Hello, I am not going to comment on anything the negative people have said, I am just going to make a post that is actually related to the topic.
First off, thanks for a great mod, sure does not seem like MOHAA anymore, and if I am correct, that was the point. I think that every second spent on this modification was carried out with the mindset of having it benefit others. When I come to this forum....specifically this thread, I am rather disgusted on the hate that is being applied to these individuals. I think rather than get offtopic and trash, you should just not post. But all the same it happens. I wanted to thank you for the expansion pack, hopefully it will be better than EA Games' Expansion Pack for MOHAA

Well I will keep my eye out for it and I have a great idea to add to the pack, if someone that is in charge please contact me, I feel this will be a great addition. Thanks!
-Sniped Ur Azz