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08-22-2003, 10:19 AM
I understand Ydiss. You are one of the few guys I still respect a lot. If we all work together to we can bring this place back from the dark side.
off topic.
Wouldn't it be funny if this was a experiment or project BS has been putting together over the last 2 years. To study the how people act and react on the Internet.
All we know this could be his final theses for his Masters degree in physiology.
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08-22-2003, 10:23 AM
Nice post Rude. The average member here DOES respect you.
By the way, my senseless rederick (heh), was just the way I feel about this whole thing - I could really care less. Whether or not this sounds remorseless or incompassionate (if that's even a word), I really don't care.
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08-22-2003, 10:25 AM
My stance:
I think the site was spiraling downward, without much hope of coming out of said spiral. Then the takeover happened. I completely disagree with what went on there. I think Gerard admining anti just to use anti as a puppet to take the blame for his idea was a severe violation of trust. But it can't be argued that the takeover did inject life back into the forums.
However that too was but a brief solution. As a result of the takeover, we've lost several of the prominent community members forever. More and more are falling away every single day because of idiots posting 3 pages of spam or pictures of their mother's feces in every thread. More will leave ten minutes from now, and more will leave tomorrow.
This site needs a whole lot of help if it ever wants to pull up. It needs strong leaders who know what they are doing. I'm sorry, Joe, but an administrator needs to be respected, but not for fear of banishment or for reward of privelage, but instead for the job that they do as an administrator and what they accomplish. Again, I'm sorry, but I think we both know that you'll never be able to garnish the full respect of the community.
I feel like this site is gradually slipping away from even BadScript, and I'm afraid I'm not sure there is anything - short of BadScript appointing a Head Administrator with the necessary access to install critical phpBB2 mods which can allow for this site to be appropriately moderated - that can be done.
All I can suggest is that the community, which I have grown fond of - good and bad both - remain at least in some facet intact. Several members of these boards can be found at [url=]Noctis Online[/url:1dc62] (Run by myself) and [url=][url] (Run by Innoxx and Gerard's brother).
Hopefully, however, BadScript will get a staff in here and grant them the ability to save the site for him.

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08-22-2003, 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by Noctis
My stance:
I think the site was spiraling downward, without much hope of coming out of said spiral. Then the takeover happened. I completely disagree with what went on there. I think Gerard admining anti just to use anti as a puppet to take the blame for his idea was a severe violation of trust. But it can't be argued that the takeover did inject life back into the forums.
However that too was but a brief solution. As a result of the takeover, we've lost several of the prominent community members forever. More and more are falling away every single day because of idiots posting 3 pages of spam or pictures of their mother's feces in every thread. More will leave ten minutes from now, and more will leave tomorrow.
This site needs a whole lot of help if it ever wants to pull up. It needs strong leaders who know what they are doing. I'm sorry, Joe, but an administrator needs to be respected, but not for fear of banishment or for reward of privelage, but instead for the job that they do as an administrator and what they accomplish. Again, I'm sorry, but I think we both know that you'll never be able to garnish the full respect of the community.
I feel like this site is gradually slipping away from even BadScript, and I'm afraid I'm not sure there is anything - short of BadScript appointing a Head Administrator with the necessary access to install critical phpBB2 mods which can allow for this site to be appropriately moderated - that can be done.
All I can suggest is that the community, which I have grown fond of - good and bad both - remain at least in some facet intact. Several members of these boards can be found at [url=]Noctis Online[/url:e7f69] (Run by myself) and [url=][url] (Run by Innoxx and Gerard's brother).
Hopefully, however, BadScript will get a staff in here and grant them the ability to save the site for him.
Great post, hope it comes to pass.
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08-22-2003, 10:50 AM
Nice posts Noctis and Rude Dog.
I have to agree with RD about some of the "Vets" they seem to think that none of the rules should apply to them.
I used to enjoy this site, there was a variety of posts, from religon to just goofy posts. Now it seems that no can just enjoy the banter without have to take some side in whatever battle is going on between differnt people here.
I have probably contributed to these problems(as most of us have), in some way. If I have offended anyone here, my appologies.
Low Spark.
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08-22-2003, 10:52 AM
ya know how ppl are always talking about "well its just an internet forum"
well im sick of that bs talk. Yes it is an internet forum! Where we all talk
about common things(ie. general discussion,tech questions,moh,bs etc.)
Everyone who says that crap is just trying to hide their true feelings about
their "real" life and there are some others who actually try to get 70% of
the guys who say"its just an internet forum" to try not to take this ie life so
seriously. Well thats a little hard to do b/c im quite sure alot of the guys
who come here( including me) feel a sense of euphoria(happiness) when
they're posting on this forum. It's fun to be someone else who ure really
not for a change. Thats what the whole freakin internet "community" is all
about nowadays. So some of you ask "Why not leave if u dont like the
biatching and the complaining and moaning around here?". Why not?? B/c
they love this place to a certain degree. Its just like a wife who who has just
found out that her husband was cheating on her with her bestfriend and
then 4give him. Same exact concept. "Most" of the ppl here dont really get
bothered by the spam and flaming. Maybe some do but most don't. I
mean if they really got fed up with it they'd let ya know by atleast coming
to your front door but i dont think these fauks here would do something like that mwah:.
bottom line its not just an internet forum, its your life. And don't try and deny, which i know some of u will, but just try have ure "pridepass" revoked for 5 secs to let that reality sink into ure skull.
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08-22-2003, 11:10 AM
FINALLY Rude grows some balls and tells it how it is biggrin:
Maybe they don't listen to me, but the almighty Rude who all the "vets" seem to look up to should now maybe realize that they need to grow the fuck up.
Hey, I have an idea, everything else has been tried, including making the immortal "vets" moderators. Let's get rid of them, let ED be moderator of his growing community of 3 members and let the rest hang out six-online. I bet you then and only then will the board actually turn into something that doesn't resemble a meeting of Parliment...constant arguing and bullshit that never really seems to solve anything.
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08-22-2003, 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by Hollywood
Hey, I have an idea, everything else has been tried, including making the immortal "vets" moderators. Let's get rid of them, let ED be moderator of his growing community of 3 members and let the rest hang out six-online. I bet you then and only then will the board actually turn into something that doesn't resemble a meeting of Parliment...constant arguing and bullshit that never really seems to solve anything.
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08-22-2003, 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by Dragonwraith
Originally Posted by Hollywood
Hey, I have an idea, everything else has been tried, including making the immortal "vets" moderators. Let's get rid of them, let ED be moderator of his growing community of 3 members and let the rest hang out six-online. I bet you then and only then will the board actually turn into something that doesn't resemble a meeting of Parliment...constant arguing and bullshit that never really seems to solve anything.
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08-22-2003, 11:39 AM
Oh also to all you people the "vets"
A vet is not a person who is a fucktard and goes around messing the forums up. I was here before the moh aa demo was here and I AM A VET But i do not go around making this forum any worst. People who do that are n00bs, not vets. Vets are ph34r3d from the n00bies and n00bies want to be them because they are the respected one in the forums...
Stop jacking the forums up mad:
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08-22-2003, 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Hollywood
FINALLY Rude grows some balls and tells it how it is biggrin:
Now if only little bro can do the same.
[quote:0de03]Maybe they don't listen to me, but the almighty Rude who all the "vets" seem to look up to should now maybe realize that they need to grow the fuck up.[/quote:0de03]
You want to know the true sign of insanity, doing something more than once expecting a different outcome each time.
Think on that sucka.
[quote:0de03]Hey, I have an idea, everything else has been tried, including making the immortal "vets" moderators. Let's get rid of them, let ED be moderator of his growing community of 3 members and let the rest hang out six-online. I bet you then and only then will the board actually turn into something that doesn't resemble a meeting of Parliment...constant arguing and bullshit that never really seems to solve anything.[/quote:0de03]
OMG!1 sucka dissed my site. Welp. Gotta take it down now. No point in posting anymore since Holly doesnt like my 3-day old site. Gosh golly gee, whatever was I expecting.
Uhm. . .yea.
Now youre attempting to recycle tired ass jokes from OTHER lame-tired-people. Jesus.
If anyone wants to go that forum - hey there are MORE than welcome to. I sure as hell wouldnt. And I own the place. GG n00b.
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08-22-2003, 11:55 AM
Like I said before, people feel it's a freedom to not have mods, or to be mods themselves. So, they break all the rules they want.
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08-22-2003, 11:57 AM
Wow, even low spark posts again, WB d00d.
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08-22-2003, 11:59 AM
And yanno what - it's funny, some people cant see beyond this place. What exactly should we HELP people with Rude. I see that come alot from you. What exactly would you recommend we "vets" (constantly in quotes - gg) do to lend a helping hand. Who comes to OTBS in need of assistance? How many tech threads have there been that have been answered and quickly forgotten?
The problem here is that people cant see past the shit they smell in front of them, to realize the entire landscape doesnt appear the same way. If anyone HONESTLY thinks the loud-mouthed behavior of a few individuals can deter an entire forum - not just OT but an ENTIRE message board - then you all are giving us more credit in one area, that you dont want to seem to give in others.
The fact of the matter is, when this boards was "hijacked" (which is obvious to those who give a shit that it wasnt), the song remained the same, things went on as usual. Noone had an oppurtunity to truly do anything, but it's nice to harp and say "oh look how things went to shit".
And why the hell SHOULD anyone here lend a helping hand or even try to set an example - theres no support from the admins or mods to do so. Noone says - hey good job on curbing this, or getting rid of that person. All we see are locked threads because, golly, someone just didnt like the topic. Yea. Ok. Sorry if Twizzlers arent interesting to YOU.
But you know all this is runnig around in circles to the main obvious point - a few guys cannot, and HAVE NOT derailed this place. Thats bullshit. BULL FUCKING SHIT. This place started to become unmanageable when one thing happened - Badscript left. With BS gone, and admins with noone to answer to, things started to get out of control. Members signed up, posted once left; idiots came, got flamed, started more flames, create more imbalance. All of this could have been stopped if only one person still had the back of this site. And he didnt. Most of us here in OT dont even venture out into the other forums, and yet we're STILL supposed to be the reason this SITE is the way it is. I dont buy it. Noone buys it. The only ones buying it are the folks who dont want to look at their OWN style of leadership, and think theyve found easy targets. Sorry charlie that may work on others easily baited into "fuck you bitches", and "eat me cock-purses" - but I kinda like to be more erudite than that.
Joe lied. And if he didn't outright lie, then he acted with impetus at the perceived actions of guys he already had beef with. His heart was not in the game, yet instead of stepping aside and allowing new admin to take his place, he simply goes on a sabbatical - yet remaining admin. Of course he has a job when he comes back - which is more than the Wook or the Spooge got.
Zoner I think had the same happen to him. You're pulled in two directions from two different sites with two different styles to them. Not suprisingly he chose the style he has more "loyalty" (?) to. And that's fine. But again, this rankled the natives and those who slugged it out in the gutters of OT before he became admin. You can call that a petty response if you want, but to just dismiss complaints against mods as "jealousy" or 'hatred' - gimme a break. That shows a weakness in leadership to do so.
Anyway rant mode off - this is long enough as it is, and folks more than likley wont even read through it all. Just realize there is always more than one side to a story.
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08-22-2003, 12:06 PM
[quote="ED!":637d0]And yanno what - it's funny, some people cant see beyond this place. What exactly should we HELP people with Rude. I see that come alot from you. What exactly would you recommend we "vets" (constantly in quotes - gg) do to lend a helping hand. Who comes to OTBS in need of assistance? How many tech threads have there been that have been answered and quickly forgotten?
The problem here is that people cant see past the shit they smell in front of them, to realize the entire landscape doesnt appear the same way. If anyone HONESTLY thinks the loud-mouthed behavior of a few individuals can deter an entire forum - not just OT but an ENTIRE message board - then you all are giving us more credit in one area, that you dont want to seem to give in others.
The fact of the matter is, when this boards was "hijacked" (which is obvious to those who give a shit that it wasnt), the song remained the same, things went on as usual. Noone had an oppurtunity to truly do anything, but it's nice to harp and say "oh look how things went to shit".
And why the hell SHOULD anyone here lend a helping hand or even try to set an example - theres no support from the admins or mods to do so. Noone says - hey good job on curbing this, or getting rid of that person. All we see are locked threads because, golly, someone just didnt like the topic. Yea. Ok. Sorry if Twizzlers arent interesting to YOU.
But you know all this is runnig around in circles to the main obvious point - a few guys cannot, and HAVE NOT derailed this place. Thats bullshit. BULL FUCKING SHIT. This place started to become unmanageable when one thing happened - Badscript left. With BS gone, and admins with noone to answer to, things started to get out of control. Members signed up, posted once left; idiots came, got flamed, started more flames, create more imbalance. All of this could have been stopped if only one person still had the back of this site. And he didnt. Most of us here in OT dont even venture out into the other forums, and yet we're STILL supposed to be the reason this SITE is the way it is. I dont buy it. Noone buys it. The only ones buying it are the folks who dont want to look at their OWN style of leadership, and think theyve found easy targets. Sorry charlie that may work on others easily baited into "fuck you bitches", and "eat me cock-purses" - but I kinda like to be more erudite than that.
Joe lied. And if he didn't outright lie, then he acted with impetus at the perceived actions of guys he already had beef with. His heart was not in the game, yet instead of stepping aside and allowing new admin to take his place, he simply goes on a sabbatical - yet remaining admin. Of course he has a job when he comes back - which is more than the Wook or the Spooge got.
Zoner I think had the same happen to him. You're pulled in two directions from two different sites with two different styles to them. Not suprisingly he chose the style he has more "loyalty" (?) to. And that's fine. But again, this rankled the natives and those who slugged it out in the gutters of OT before he became admin. You can call that a petty response if you want, but to just dismiss complaints against mods as "jealousy" or 'hatred' - gimme a break. That shows a weakness in leadership to do so.
Anyway rant mode off - this is long enough as it is, and folks more than likley wont even read through it all. Just realize there is always more than one side to a story.[/quote:637d0]
Prove that I lied, and that I did it for personal reasons. Just because you think that I banned them because I don't like them, dosen't mean I did. Ed, let's get off the subject already, we're not getting anywhere fast.
Still, helping people with MOH problems should be the main concern with this forum, even if it is "JoeN00b" asking why he can't play MOH because he gets a "Cannot start openGL subsystem". My intents up until about two months ago, was to post answers to as many MOH players as I can. Over time, I got irritated by people on this site, and it irked me just not to help anymore. Well, maybe we can try to calm things down here some, and we can bring back a community of gamers, and not a community of complainers.
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