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DukesterM is Offline
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Default 01-24-2002, 10:15 AM

I was pretty syked when I got the game, but when I booted up Gamespy Arcade and looked at the MOH:AA servers, all but two were over 100 ping! That is a pretty terrible ping for someone paying 32 bucks a month to comcast for cable internet. Once in the game, the lag constantly jumps and people have pings wayyyyyyy over 300.

Why is it so terrible? The answer is quite obvious. To get the demo, you had to download the large file that turned many many dialup bastards away from the file. This meant only broadband users downloaded and played the demo! But with the full version release, anyone with 50 bucks can play, lagging it down terribly.

EA had best either: a) implement an easy to use ping limiter for servers, or
b) fix the network code cause I dont think it is nearly as good as the demos...
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Trench is Offline
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Default 01-24-2002, 10:17 AM

i get 30-70 on good servers


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Totenkopf is Offline
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Default 01-24-2002, 10:20 AM

I have to agree that every server that I have been on has seemed really laggy, even though my ping is below 100.

I still wanna give this game a chance though....
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Graverobber is Offline
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Default 01-24-2002, 10:21 AM

Me too, I rarely get over 120.


"It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them." - Mark Twain
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Default 01-24-2002, 10:26 AM

i never said anything about my ping........the game pings are very high, which make games unstable and jumpy. yes, some servers are good, but only 3 or 4 of them, unlike the 20 60 ping servers you could find at any time on any day with the demo.
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kevbocat is Offline
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Default 01-24-2002, 10:33 AM

I really hate the delayed firing in multiplayer.

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coax is Offline
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Default 01-24-2002, 10:34 AM

I have to say, I think alot of it is because of server admins running listen servers, & overloading their bandwidth. I've been on servers with sub 100 pings on cable with like a 6 or 8 player limit & it has been fairly lag free. But thats not the story all the time. I too have wondered why I don't see more sub-100 ping servers listed in GS Asscade. <<<--< Did I say that?? :P

I guess my lag tolerance is higher than some peoples, If I really wanna play bad well, sometimes I have to check out 3 or 4 servers before I find one that's playable. I met online a guy in florida on RR cable & have been playing with him & his brothers & buds & all of us are < 100 pingers & it's usually pretty lag free. But I did notice tonight that once a 9th person joined thir server it started lagging. Anyway, I definately think it could be ALOT better. But I have been able to get alot of enjoyment out of the game also, so far. ***See my post on the cheaters thread though. That's a whole different topic.. <rolleyes>
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mike horvath is Offline
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Default 01-24-2002, 10:36 AM

i cant even connecnt to a sever when its done loading it says server disconnected evey time i only played MP 1 time on the demo and it was fun
i cant connect help ME!!!!!!!

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Capt_CruncH is Offline
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Default 01-24-2002, 10:44 AM

I once downloaded a 200mb demo on dial up. But your point is taken.
before retail-everyone was 20-120
after retail-there are more 200+ on the good servers then ever.
I still get my 20-120 though. So alot of time people are standing still and I pistol whip em.
Im retiring from the game for a while till they fix the myriad of problem, and by then another game will have my interest.

EA=shitty rushed games
btw-why the fuck they put lean in the demo and not in the retail game? I stand by my statement that for a MP game the demo is still better.

EA SUCKS! Wanna know why people have/are leaving 2015? EA EA EA EA
I seen EA push out the greats and dumb down games. I seen the completly obliterate UO. Ive seen EA force programmers to half ass localize games while ruining the atmosphere for anyone who aint asian(is that what they want to be called this year?).
EA sucks ass!

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KurganQ2 is Offline
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Default 01-25-2002, 12:46 AM

wonder if the patch will help
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Spineharvester[GF] is Offline
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Default 01-25-2002, 01:30 AM

If you are on the west coast of the USA...then look for [GF]West Stomping Grounds 2.

You should have a good ping in there.

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Default 01-25-2002, 01:40 AM


I had a horrible ping playing the DEMO version, and it cleared up as soon as I installed the full-version. True some servers have high pings - but please, anything 450 and under shouldnt make THAT much of a dent in your speed and ability to frag individuals in the server. It would be nice if a good net-code was installed on this so you dont suffer for others mistakes, but as I've said I havent experienced too many problems.

As far as the car analogy is concerned, please. Apples and oranges. Cars go through a myriad of tests and protocols before they are put on the market because of the liabilities involved with these machines. Programmers do not face the same expecatations involved in the automotive industry. There are a TON of unforseen problems that arise when a game is put out. There is NO GAME that has been released that hasnt required a patch at some point in its life. It's not possible - there are far too many variables to account for in the real world that arent able to be addressed in a computer-lab somewhere. Or would you rather wait 4 or 5 years for this game to come out. All in all, 2015 did more than a good job with getting this game out - it's more SP than MP structured at the moment, so you'll see more praise for its SP aspects than its MP. But give it time. Right now there are equal (if not more people) playing the combined demo, and Full Version. As soon as the tools are available this game is going to busted wide open.

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Black Panzer is Offline
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Default 01-25-2002, 02:22 AM

They gotta do something because alot of the servers are lagalicious!! Although i did notice the lag wasn't as bad as on some of the demo servers when i installed the full version , plus the maps and the textures of the maps rock!!! Its worth letting them stamp out the bugs once they do that the game will rock , having 16 on 16 servers with very little lag (oooooohhhhhh!!)
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DukesterM is Offline
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Default 01-25-2002, 03:06 AM

god damn, thats a lot of posts, didnt expect that big a response. My backlash is that:
1) You must admit, the game is much laggier than demo.
2) That EA fucked up and needs to fix their code or atleast put an option for low pings only for hosts.
3) That they probably should have taken another month and made the game a bit better and lagless, thus not needing a patch. RTCW went without a patch for months with NO COMPLAINTS. This hasnt gone without two days...
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Default 01-25-2002, 04:39 AM

If your old enough to buy a car would you want to drive it for 2 mile and then it breaks down? So you take it back to the dealer and they say "it's only been 2 miles. leave the car with us for 2 weeks and will have it fixed"? NO.

Game companies do this all the time, Hell it's bad when you get the game and on day one there is already a patch. Now I understand that end users and there systems are always the biggest problems. but sometimes the game companies must be held responsible.

It's also nice to see a game company on top of there games and continue to release patches.

Unfortunately for me, I wanted this game ASAP and am willing to live with some bugs

I still love the game and will not play anything else for a long time.

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