My experience is that i have great games little if no lagg....fok gamespy get All_Seeing_Eye you can set filters to see pings only under a certain amount,among other filters you can set. people with slow conenction wont slow a good server down. A server overloading his bandwith will. sorry about your luck man but fook gamespy ASE baby! just do a search for it, the program is alittle more technical but superior to gamespy..
------------------ not too far away
[This message has been edited by m0neY_EQ (edited January 25, 2002).]
Ok guys, the game just came out. That probably means that little or no dedicated servers are up yet. That is why you guys are pinging so high on most of the MOHAA servers. Give it some time...
General McAuliffe
[This message has been edited by Ghetto-P (edited January 25, 2002).]
it just cracks me up with all the bitchen that goes on in this forum. Jesus guys, the game has been out a whole 2 days. Give them time to patch it. Then when the mod makers start pumping out stuff this game will game is perfect from the start. Give it time