Hi, everytime i put a blood mod on mohaa, the blood splats don't show up. I tryed the blood mods that have splats, blood on walls etc... but i don't see the blood, Plz can someone tell me how to fix this.
Well always make sure your game is updated to the latest version. However, I do not believe the patch(s) will do anything for your blood mod issue. Have you tried another blood mod? I am not familiar with this mod unfortunatly. But I will check it out myself tonight and see how it works for me and let you know the results. You simple could have comflicting pk3's files...thats what I intent to find out since my game is totally stock issue.
i have all so used 'User-Heinrich's-Blood-Mod-Final' and that don't work. The Only thing that works in the blood mods i have tryed are the red blood puffs when u shoot someone.
I could not find this blood mod last night..I didnt end up with a lot of time to look either. Just went to some of the usual spots. I will try again tonight.