how come i havnt seen a better moh blood patch where arms and legs and bodys are blown to bits ?--i mean a real to life blood patch where if a guy gets naded he gets blown into a hundred pieces-------would be cool(((and realistic!!!))
Such modifications would only be fully possible if the source code for MOH was ever released by EA and it wasn't and never will be. All that can be done now is changes to what is already there.
I dont think it can be done. if thats what your looking for try Soldier of Fortune 2: Double Helix.
Man I remenber the first time a shot a guy with a shottie in SOF2. Blew his leg off, you could see and hear the blood squirting out of the arteries. Man it was gross and cool at the same time.
I'm sure something could be done for this. Such as in Rungsi's Thunder map, with the shrapnel mortar explosions. If someone could attach the explosions to a model, and to trigger them you need to die, you can then change things like the explosion does no damage, and change the debris to body parts. A long shot, but it might just be possible.