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Dragonwraith is Offline
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Default 09-11-2003, 04:29 PM

that last thing you said just lost all respect i had for your view... if your gonna argue your point and "maybe" have some people agree with ya don't make threats
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Default 09-11-2003, 05:30 PM

I really dont care if you respect me....dont gotta answer to you or no one else in here...all I am saying is my point. I am not going to watch what I say because someone is gonna have no respect for me...if we all did that nothing would get done around here.

All I am saying is, dont mess with me and I wont mess with you, i deffend myself in any way I see fit

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Default 09-11-2003, 10:01 PM

Pssst...guys. It's a GAME.

We aren't talking drive-by shootings in South Central here. Relax for chrissakes.  247
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Default 09-12-2003, 07:00 AM

[quote:28290]I have modded my game in a way that will help my kill/death ratio.[/quote:28290]

So the only way to get a good score is to see through walls and have Green and Red people running around so you can see them better? I have respect for the time and effort of the people who make the cheats/hacks and also they make some pretty good scripts, i have seen a headshot/kill/death counter out there for mohaa and i was impressed. But to come into a server, where there are non-cheaters/hackers, where there is CI fully running, and try to beat the system, and see through walls when no-one else in the server can, that's when Modding 2 the extreme goes to far. It does not make it far for others, it does not level the playing field in any sense. In our server you can have custom guns, scopes, and some player models. I do play more comfortable with diffrent scopes i admit that, but i switch to stock because that's how the game was made, that's how the creators of the game designed it to be played.

On another point, the whole don't mess with me i won't mess with you, don't come on a cheat free server and worry about people forcing SS's on just stay on your server or whatever servers that don't run pandora,Ci, etc. and you will have no problems about this. Correct?
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Default 09-12-2003, 07:20 AM

Sniped can I have your IP so I can go ahead and ban you now?

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Default 09-12-2003, 08:23 AM

This forum does not support cheats. Try running a search on for the word moron. You'll get more responses than you will get here.
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Default 09-12-2003, 08:30 AM

Lastly, what the hell is up with you Sniped? Have you been brainwashed by the script kiddies on MPC. Jesus, its almost sad to see what text you have typed in your posts in this thread. I gotta say, it really makes you look pathetic. No respect.

I'm not gonna argue with you, because as you can see, script kiddies don't listen to anything we say. Cheat if you will. But, if you come on a server that I am on with your cheats, you better believe that I'm going to do everything in power to knock you out.

You used to be cool, but taking this whole "EOI is leet and I am too" attitude is really just annoying the hell out of me. Why don't you all just buzz off.
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Default 09-12-2003, 10:32 AM

Originally Posted by 1944
This forum does not support cheats. Try running a search on for the word moron. You'll get more responses than you will get here.
Lmao biggrin:
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Default 09-12-2003, 12:10 PM

Sniped I'm glad your bein mature about this; half the 'hackers' or 'cheaters' I see say things like - 'We don't hack, we own u!!! STFU, h4x rule1!!!!!11!11!!!' And the spammage of url's.. I personally hate cheating, I don't tolerate it in any way, but you do bring some valid points up. I think that sure, you should be able to hack or cheat on your single player, which you payed for, but on servers that other people are paying large sums of money for so that people can play against people and have fun! Seeing through a wall etc. is NOT fun, and is what, in my opinion, ruined MoH:AA for me. I do definately agree though, that making hacks, and bypassing anti-cheats is modding, to the max. It takes some real skill and knowledge, and I respect that! I just don't think that they are being used in the best faction.
One thing that would be great is if all the great hackers were to make some kind of total conversion; I guarantee you that it would be the best one yet, because hackers know the game's code better than anybody else!
My .02

My thoughts Below
Originally Posted by 1944
Lastly, what the hell is up with you Sniped? Have you been brainwashed by the script kiddies on MPC. Jesus, its almost sad to see what text you have typed in your posts in.
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Default 09-12-2003, 12:22 PM

[quote="HeySteve!":68661]Sniped I'm glad your bein mature about this; half the 'hackers' or 'cheaters' I see say things like - 'We don't hack, we own u!!! STFU, h4x rule1!!!!!11!11!!!' And the spammage of url's.. I personally hate cheating, I don't tolerate it in any way, but you do bring some valid points up. I think that sure, you should be able to hack or cheat on your single player, which you payed for, but on servers that other people are paying large sums of money for so that people can play against people and have fun! Seeing through a wall etc. is NOT fun, and is what, in my opinion, ruined MoH:AA for me. I do definately agree though, that making hacks, and bypassing anti-cheats is modding, to the max. It takes some real skill and knowledge, and I respect that! I just don't think that they are being used in the best faction.
One thing that would be great is if all the great hackers were to make some kind of total conversion; I guarantee you that it would be the best one yet, because hackers know the game's code better than anybody else!
My .02

My thoughts Below
Originally Posted by 1944
Lastly, what the hell is up with you Sniped? Have you been brainwashed by the script kiddies on MPC. Jesus, its almost sad to see what text you have typed in your posts in.
Ya its weird to think that peeps are talking about this stuff on this forum
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Default 09-12-2003, 01:05 PM

I agree also that it takes SOME skill to make hacks, but in the same sense USING hacks TAKES AWAY all skill from gameplay. what is the fuckin point? I as well think instashots are shit. But I'll send in as many as it takes to keep where I play free of hackers.

Oh and the "I don't care if you respect me..." thing you said, well thats good, because noone here with any good sense will EVER respect you with your attitude. and while were at it, I can't count how many times I've seen some of these higher up hack makers say that legit modding takes much more skill. Theres only so much you can do cheat wise, but the opportunities for legit modders are almost limitless.

In summation, the only thing you own by cheating is yourself, because you are proving to yourself and everyone else that you are incapable of being any good without cheats. Thank you, goodnight.
Back to the Original Question...
Brutal CarNage is Offline
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Default Back to the Original Question... - 09-12-2003, 01:48 PM

If your color depth in your video options is set to 16bit instead of 32bit... the fog is thicker on some maps. Try Small city with fog and change 16 to 32 and see the difference. You may lose a little fps if you have a weaker card, but not too much.
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Default 09-12-2003, 02:35 PM

[quote:7af67]So the only way to get a good score is to see through walls and have Green and Red people running around so you can see them better?[/quote:7af67]

Thats not true, did I ever say that? NO sir I did not......if you would have read my post you would see what I said. Firstly, I am very skilled at the game, with or without hacks. As I SAID I improve my kills/deaths ratio with them, same as everyone else does with custom scopes, crosshairs, etc.
You still have to have skill even if you are using a hack.

[quote:7af67]But to come into a server, where there are non-cheaters/hackers, where there is CI fully running, and try to beat the system, and see through walls when no-one else in the server can, that's when Modding 2 the extreme goes to far. [/quote:7af67]

I understand where you are coming from with this, however.....thats why I previously posted that if you are running these things, at least post it in the server name, that will (sometimes) better your chances at filtering out cheaters. I know I would not want to go into a server where I can't play freely. I dont bother fighting CI or Deletor or anything else like that. Plus I do not condone cheating in Clans or Clan related activities. Thats another thing people dont understand. If you hack...admit it, dont try to hide. Plus cheating in clans is dead wrong, you know IN ADVANCE that there will be no cheating allowed.

[quote:7af67]Sniped can I have your IP so I can go ahead and ban you now? [/quote:7af67]

Sure it is:

[quote:7af67]Have you been brainwashed by the script kiddies on MPC.[/quote:7af67]

No I haven't.....I am and will always be me. I do not act I do not do what others tell me to, maybe thats why I go "off the wall" sometimes. I dont care I really dont. Wouldn' you rather me tell you I dont care then sit here and lie?

[quote:7af67]But, if you come on a server that I am on with your cheats, you better believe that I'm going to do everything in power to knock you out.

Why would I want to? If there are anticheats running, why would I want to stay? Thats no fun to play against people that dont have hacks like I do.
I dont get a sense of JOY when I PWN some n00b that has a stock game. Thats sick.

[quote:7af67]You used to be cool, but taking this whole "EOI is leet and I am too" attitude is really just annoying the hell out of me. Why don't you all just buzz off. [/quote:7af67]

Where did that come from? I do not know what you are talking about and furthermore I dont care. So dont bother answering that.

[quote:7af67]to keep where I play free of hackers.

That will never happen...sorry. I am not saying that because I am an ass or anything ( I am sure most of you think I am) but I am saying that because it will never go away. Never.

[quote:7af67]In summation, the only thing you own by cheating is yourself, because you are proving to yourself and everyone else that you are incapable of being any good without cheats.[/quote:7af67]

Thats not true....I can Own just the same with stock, I just prefer having hacks too. Plus I cannot tell you how much I have learned thanks to a few key hackers and their products. No joke.

[quote:7af67]If your color depth in your video options is set to 16bit instead of 32bit... the fog is thicker on some maps. Try Small city with fog and change 16 to 32 and see the difference. You may lose a little fps if you have a weaker card, but not too much. [/quote:7af67]

Yeah thats true, plus could also be helpfull to update your video card drivers....I hear the New NVidia driver helps with the fog, I forget why tho.

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Default 09-12-2003, 02:38 PM

I said it on AIM before, and I'll say it again here. CALM DOWN. Just let it go. Best thing for you to do.
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Default 09-12-2003, 02:42 PM

Originally Posted by 1944
I said it on AIM before, and I'll say it again here. CALM DOWN. Just let it go. Best thing for you to do.
Look....dont speak man. Our conversation is over now, if you want the whole situation to end, quit posting. Simple as that. You dont wanna hear about it anymore, just make sure you dont come to this thread again then.

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