Everyone should get the patch if only for the in-game browser. It basically eliminates the need to go directly to gamespy.....instead you just go to multiplayer room in the game and click the browser button and the list of all MP games come up.....WITH NO FREAKIN' ADS!!! That alone is worth it.
why the hell does nobody have the new patch. i can't play online without some more people having this damn patch!!!!!!!!!!!!! damn you all!!!!!!!!! you've ruined my online playing!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stop crynin sonny, why would you fix summat dat aint broke?
Dont start spoutin about "the patch fixes cheatin" cos i just kick da fkn cheats n "hey presto" no more cheatin asshole.
Anywayz dis game runs sooo sweet on my server dat i aint gonna risk screwin it till they at least publish a list of exactly what dis "patch" is fixin, there's more in there than dem E.A s.o.b's are lettin on!