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CoD: Multiplayer Modes
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Default CoD: Multiplayer Modes - 09-22-2003, 11:19 AM

Seeing as we only get one topic per day, I've decided to devote that one to CoD. Here we go -

[quote:6ab4c]Making the most of both our weapons and tactical options helped us prevail in multiplayer rounds of search and destroy, the game's objective-based multiplayer mode, which resembles the objective modes of such games as Day of Defeat and Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Search and destroy is round-based, similar to Counter-Strike; once you die, you're out of the match until the next round. In the game we played, the American Allied soldiers were required to navigate through the trenches of a countryside installment and plant bombs on German antiair guns. Of course, the German soldiers were required to thwart the Americans in this map.[/quote:6ab4c]

Standard OBJ fare, nothing too original ther.

[quote:6ab4c] We were also able to spend some time with Call of Duty's behind enemy lines multiplayer mode, which pits Allied and Axis soldiers against each other in a lopsided ratio. Most players will spawn as Axis soldiers, though the few players that spawn as Allies will receive points for continuing to survive. Allied players are actively hunted by Axis players using a GPS-style radar system that tracks their most recent locations. Once an Axis player frags an Allied player, the Axis player becomes an Allied soldier and is then able to start scoring points (while the Allied player becomes an Axis soldier and joins the others in the hunt).[/quote:6ab4c]

Kick ass. This has been done before in games like UT2k3 where you kill the one guy whos got like invisibility or something, but this is a GREAT idea and a great way to merge it with a WW2 setting where you are trying to navigate your way through a city filled with AXIS players. Should be very very fun.

[quote:6ab4c]The multiplayer mode's "killcam" feature should prove to be an interesting addition.
Infinity Ward has also added an intriguing, all-new feature to Call of Duty's multiplayer matches: a replay mode that the developer refers to as "killcam." Whenever you get killed by an enemy player in a multiplayer game, you'll have the option to immediately respawn by pressing the "F" key or to sit and watch the killcam replay. The replay switches to spectator mode and follows the viewpoint of the player who shot you down, seven seconds before it happened. As technical officer Jason West explains, killcam was implemented to combat the always-frustrating event of getting shot down by someone you couldn't see--an event that can sometimes seem random, or even unfair. Rather than incredulously tossing your keyboards to the floor in annoyance at getting killed by a seemingly stray bullet, you'll instead be able to watch the killcam and see exactly where your assailant was and how you were taken down. In this way, killcam will also help ferret out snipers who get a little too comfortable in one spot, since downed players will be able to use the killcam to determine their location and go after them. West also expects newer players to use killcam as a learning tool to help them figure out the basics of line-of-sight tactics and effectively using cover.[/quote:6ab4c]

Absolutely retarded. 100%. The sniper bit just annoyed the hell out of me. I figured a sniper WAS supposed to have a nice vantage point from which to blow peoples heads off, not have to worry about some little punk using his "Killcam" to ruin your location. The idea is good in theory in that it allows you to see how someone took you down, however this should DEFINATELY be an optional thing. The way it needs to be implemented, is the killed player should REQUEST a "killcam", and the fragger can say yes or no. If I'm a sniper no you may not see how I killed you.

Nice to finally get some idea on what these prickadillos are doing.
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Default 09-22-2003, 11:30 AM

I think they'll make sumthing up to that rock:
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pest is Offline
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Default 09-22-2003, 12:04 PM

I like the killcam idea. It discourages camping and might just eliminate many problems when (if) cheating gets to be as bad as it was in MOH. It also keeps the game somewhat more positioned as a twitch-shooter (my favorite) instead of the combat simulation many people seem to want everything new to be. And its not like you couldnt go into spectate in MOH to find the campers.

Now that I have said that, I would fully expect the killcam to be a serverside option.
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Default 09-22-2003, 12:12 PM

I have asked my contact at Activision this question, will the kill cam be optional via a server side switch. I am awaiting a reply. I will post once I hear anything.

I can't imagine it not being.

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Re: CoD: Multiplayer Modes
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Default Re: CoD: Multiplayer Modes - 09-22-2003, 12:20 PM


The way it needs to be implemented, is the killed player should REQUEST a "killcam", and the fragger can say yes or no. If I'm a sniper no you may not see how I killed you.[/quote:a6f3d]

yeah, this would be somewhat of a good idea if they could find out some kinda way to not have the "request" message inturrupt you in the middle of the game. For example; you could be in just about to kill someone with your weapon (sniper) and then some 250x150 request comes up on the screen saying: "would you like noob2k4 to view your killcam'"? and then you hit yes and it ask the most hated question in the history of the internet: "are you sure"? and by the time you click yes or no for both of those message's, you'd be dead or your victim would've left your los.
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Default 09-22-2003, 12:23 PM

[quote:efb66] We were also able to spend some time with Call of Duty's behind enemy lines multiplayer mode, which pits Allied and Axis soldiers against each other in a lopsided ratio. Most players will spawn as Axis soldiers, though the few players that spawn as Allies will receive points for continuing to survive. Allied players are actively hunted by Axis players using a GPS-style radar system that tracks their most recent locations. Once an Axis player frags an Allied player, the Axis player becomes an Allied soldier and is then able to start scoring points (while the Allied player becomes an Axis soldier and joins the others in the hunt).[/quote:efb66]


However, I know some people who will never play this mode because they have strong emotions and hatred for what the Nazis did to Jews and other minorities. They flat out refuse to play on the Axis team, no matter how lop-sided the teams are. I respect that. So, this mode will cause some stir with those players. Sure, there aren't a whole lot of people out there who have this potent moral objection to playing on the Axis side, but it'd be a shame for some good players to be forced to bow out of the game.  247
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Default 09-22-2003, 12:25 PM

I can admire its anti-cheat functions. However, in some cases - camping is part of the strategy.

And with the spectating thing in MOH, you COULD do that, however everyone can see you rejoin the team, and that is usually my cue to hotfoot it out of there.

And while I like twitch games, sometimes you do need to slow it down a bit. And I imagine it HAS to be server side as well, cause theres no way in hell you're gonna be able to have tournaments with this crap on. And I say crap in the nicest way possible.

Man I am hungry.
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Default 09-22-2003, 12:27 PM

Originally Posted by Zoner91
[quote:e8fc9] We were also able to spend some time with Call of Duty's behind enemy lines multiplayer mode, which pits Allied and Axis soldiers against each other in a lopsided ratio. Most players will spawn as Axis soldiers, though the few players that spawn as Allies will receive points for continuing to survive. Allied players are actively hunted by Axis players using a GPS-style radar system that tracks their most recent locations. Once an Axis player frags an Allied player, the Axis player becomes an Allied soldier and is then able to start scoring points (while the Allied player becomes an Axis soldier and joins the others in the hunt).

However, I know some people who will never play this mode because they have strong emotions and hatred for what the Nazis did to Jews and other minorities. They flat out refuse to play on the Axis team, no matter how lop-sided the teams are. I respect that. So, this mode will cause some stir with those players. Sure, there aren't a whole lot of people out there who have this potent moral objection to playing on the Axis side, but it'd be a shame for some good players to be forced to bow out of the game.[/quote:e8fc9] Agreed. I also think that it would be difficult for some players to keep their rythym throughout this mode if the game keeps on changing them back and forth to allies/axis.
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Default 09-22-2003, 12:31 PM

[quote:5a46a]However, I know some people who will never play this mode because they have strong emotions and hatred for what the Nazis did to Jews and other minorities. They flat out refuse to play on the Axis team, no matter how lop-sided the teams are. I respect that. So, this mode will cause some stir with those players. Sure, there aren't a whole lot of people out there who have this potent moral objection to playing on the Axis side, but it'd be a shame for some good players to be forced to bow out of the game.[/quote:5a46a]

Hmmm - I think thats a VERY vocal minority. I think most people are able to seperate fact from ficiton. To me its not Evil Axis Bastards, but Team B (Team A being. . .nevermind if youre that dense you've got bigger problems). Having said that I know I play Axis more than Allies simply because that's the way it pans out.
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pest is Offline
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Default 09-22-2003, 12:35 PM


And while I like twitch games, sometimes you do need to slow it down a bit. And I imagine it HAS to be server side as well, cause theres no way in hell you're gonna be able to have tournaments with this crap on. And I say crap in the nicest way possible.

Man I am hungry.[/quote:eed33]

The more I think about it, the less appealing it sounds, and the more i agree with you. Maybe if you could limit the number of times a player could use it a round. Give the n00bs one free peek or something. It might clear up a lot of the "BS!!!!" claims within a game, it might not. Its hard to say. I keep thinking of this in the MOH context, which it isnt.

Just killing the cat here, but what do you guys think about the allied and axis weapons not having interchangable ammo in COD? Nice twist IMO.
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Default 09-22-2003, 12:36 PM

Will it be open combat or channeled?
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Default 09-22-2003, 12:42 PM

Oh yeah, and the "Killcam"?

I could live with it being server-side (I s'pose), but nothing else. I just think this is a superfluous feature that no one will implement after Day 3.

Pronunciation: su-'p&r-flü-&s
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1 a : exceeding what is sufficient or necessary : EXTRA b : not needed : UNNECESSARY  247
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Default 09-22-2003, 12:48 PM

[quote:545be]Maybe if you could limit the number of times a player could use it a round.[/quote:545be]

BAM! I like that idea. I could live with that. Give a player maybe 3? Or the server could determine how many to give. Hell give them 1 to use. Make it like football where you get that instant-replay thing or something. Cause then you wouldnt have to worry about all your kills and "sweet spots" being exposed.

[quote:545be]Just killing the cat here, but what do you guys think about the allied and axis weapons not having interchangable ammo in COD? Nice twist IMO.[/quote:545be]

Thats a great idea. In LARGE battles, players need not worry about running out of ammo since its more than likely youll just start running and run over some supplies. Nice touch there, be even nicer if they'd turn off ALLIED health grabbing as well.
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Default 09-22-2003, 01:34 PM

[quote="ED!":5c535]I can admire its anti-cheat functions. However, in some cases - camping is part of the strategy.

And with the spectating thing in MOH, you COULD do that, however everyone can see you rejoin the team, and that is usually my cue to hotfoot it out of there.

And while I like twitch games, sometimes you do need to slow it down a bit. And I imagine it HAS to be server side as well, cause theres no way in hell you're gonna be able to have tournaments with this crap on. And I say crap in the nicest way possible.

Man I am hungry.[/quote:5c535]

I actually agree with you for once,
if you're supposed to guard an objective you don't go running around and let one innocent looking ally/axis win the game for his team, there's no such thing as camping if you're defense on an objective map.
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Default 09-22-2003, 03:10 PM

The 'Killcam,' idea would eliminate cheaters. That would rid the "OMFG, AIMBOT!" myth.

....It has just as many bad points as it has good points.
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