a question about breakthrough -
10-01-2003, 05:58 PM
i looked everywere to get more info about breakthrough and i cant fin d out wether u r able to drive tanks and veihcals and call artillary strikes in multi player. can someone tell me? and for ppl who have it, can u tell me whether its worth buying?
well i got he demo and it didnt show much new stuff, can u tell me wut other guns or stuff is in the acual game? i uninstalled the demo like 10 min after i installed it! it was so bad
Gameplay is much better on the full version then on the demo. Most places seem to have Breakthrough priced at $19.95. 9 new MP maps, new Brittish and Italian weapons. Liberation (ok this can bite) and a SP that has me bashing my way across North Africa and Italy. What more do you want?
**Practicing the dark art of turn signal usage since 1976.**
well i got he demo and it didnt show much new stuff, can u tell me wut other guns or stuff is in the acual game? i uninstalled the demo like 10 min after i installed it! it was so bad
Yeah the demo was pretty horrible, but just as Johnj said, gameplay is much better, and there's new weapons, MP maps, Liberation, and even singleplayer kicks. It's definetly worth it for a measly $19.95
Tanks - Jeeps - Armored Cars -
10-08-2003, 07:19 AM
In Breakthrough a lot of the levels have someone driving you around in a Jeep while you man the machine gun.
In the Railway Guns level, you get to drive the armored car on the tracks, you can go forward and reverse ( needed some time ) You can switch between the machine gun and the cannon. Don't waste cannon on the grunts, machine gun them. But you will need the canon for some houses and rail blocks. When your armored car goes crazy, BE READY TO JUMP...
Game is lots of fun but requires you SAVE AMMO and SAVE GAME frequently.
i thought the demo was pretty cool, at least the palermo map is nice if you can avoid getting spawn killed. the italian rifle, baretta and lee enfield sniper rifle are awesome. but like someone else said, it was worth the $20 at most, i wouldnt pay $30 for it.
I have come the point that BT has made a statment in that you have to be
ready for anything no walk thru's. So yes have to have that F5 button kicking and to say the least "You need to save all the ammo you get"
This is what makes it so much fun, For me at least. Graphics are off the
hook and the MP is getting more populated. So for 20.00 its worth it.
On a side note i payed 30 for it the day it was releasded didnt find it for
20 any where, So to those that did get it for 20.00 where did you get it at ?
i got mine in best buy, but the thing is best buy and buy.com are always competing in this kind of business and they generally offer this kind of sale the first week, two weeks tops, that the game is released to the public. your best chances of finding it under $30 are pretty rough now. it will go back down in a couple of months.