There has to be people who feel the way I do about what's wrong with mohaa and how to fix it?
Instead eliminatnig sniping from mohaa or no rocket launchers why not make them more realistic and that should solve the problems and end the complaints no?
Here is what I like to see in a mod.
I Sniper rifle scope wobble (no more sniping huge distance with pin point accuracy)
A Wobbles more when standing up
B Wobbles less when crouched
C Wobbles like hell when moving while in scoped mode making it impossible to snipe in scoped mode while moving
II Grenades (less grenade spamming at choke points)
A Every player gets like 2 or 3 grenades, not 6
III Rockets
A Lower the number a person can carry to like 4 instead of 6
B Stop close quarters combat with rockets: if a rocket explodes 5 from the person who launched, killing the target, that explosion should kill the person that launched it as well (no more point blank rocket kills leaving the guy who launched them alive)
IV Spawn points (no more some guys being closer to the choke points and running and spamming grenades because they are closest to the enemy)
A make them all in the same location for a team
B do not make spawn points for one team closer to the choke points than the other team (unless one team is supposed to have an advantage like an attack defence map like mohaa where this is unvavoidable)
V No more interchageable ammo (since when did axis and allied ammo be used interchageably in each other's guns)
VI Lower the amount of ammo people start off with to a realistic amount
VII Make pistols more accurate (even at short range and standing still and firing slowly pistol shots go all over the place, they should be more accurate realistically of course, they are not to become sniper pistols)
VIII Make damage even more realistic
A One pistol bullet is enough to kill even if not hit in the head
B It doesn't take 5 smg rounds in the chest to kill someone, make shots more lethal
IX Eliminate the shotgun (how standard was a shotgun in the axis and allied infantry ("not" is the correct anwer)
X General accuracy
A Improved accuracy when crouched
XI Improve Ladders
A Make it so that you have to press use key to grab a latter (stop them from being so grabby and sticky)
XII Objective maps with less choke points (end the run for the choke point and spam mentality)
XIII Health (it's completely useless to hurt another player during a fire fight only to have him pick up your health pack and gain 50 health)
A Eliminate health packs alltogether
B Add some kind of medic character that gives health pacs
C Lower the amount of health a health pack gives
Now go on, make me the mod NOW.
[This message has been edited by Overon (edited January 27, 2002).]