I have question. I installed a mod, a new sniper crosshair into my main folder and it worked fine, but i didnt end up liking it, so I moved the file out of the folder for later use if I wanted it... It continued to use that scope, even after I went back out again to delete it... Im wondering how to go back to my default scope.. Any help is appreciated
depends where u moved it to or if its in main and mainta etc try deleting any copy of it in and around your mohaa installation bud.
Then if its still there it sounds like u modded your pk3s
Any mod is normally a .pk3 file. I make a note on mods when I enter them into the MAIN folder. That way I know which .pk3 to remove to get that mod out.
Here's a hint: Most mods use the name user_realism01.pk3 - Also you will find MAPS with user-backalley.pk3. I RENAME the user-backalley.pk3 to backalley.pk3 - WHY ? So all my maps are by name and all MODs such as Jedi Mod - Realisn Mod - Scopes stay with the user- xxxxxx
Very easily identified when looking at a folder.
Also - mods such as ZZZ-Ubersound.pk3 and ZZzz-Citynights.pk3 will overwrite standard files such as rifles and sounds because MOHAA will use the zzz-xxx.pk3 first for sounds, skins etc.
You need to keep track of your .pk3 file additions so you know when stuff messes up WHICH FILE did it and remove that file.
I currently have 495 .pk3 files within my MOHAA/MAIN and every single map works great. BUT with city nights in, all my weapons are modded in normal games. So I rename zz-citynights.pk3 to zz-citynights.pk4 when I DO NOT want the MODS in my game.
Hope you get that. Too early in the morning - GO RED SOX!!!!!
The thing is, I know I deleted the right file... And I dont know anything about modding any other stuff, I just added the .pk3 in there, tried it, and deleted it... Which of the original .pk3 files was modified when I dropped that one in... Can I copy one of those from the install disk to my main folder??
If you just deleted your mod file itself, it does not affect anything else. Put it in, take it out. You might have deleted some other file.
Make sure you have mohdm0 through 7 .pk3 files, they are the original MOHAA files. Also make sure you have a default.cfg, if you don't, go into the main folder and run the config.exe to remake it.