A White Power Band Imagine It -
10-13-2003, 09:38 AM
I was talking to my freind about making a band he said he did'nt wanna because there we offer nothing new, I was later watching my two fav films American History X and Romper Stomper and realised we should be a white power band that will rock we will salute the One Lord Hitler HA HA HA HA HA
And before you say it we know there are hundreds of white power bands however not in Leeds there aint hahahahahahahaha!
If he got himself a halfway decent team together, we'd be more than happy to meet-em on a server sometime, and beat the cuss: crap outta them!! hellfire:
well obviously this person has no life and isnt exactly the brightest in the world. Racial slurrs just make you look stupid. and the only good part of american history X is the curbkick part. thats it. other than that its a stupid neo nazi movie. im afaid i would rather watch monty python. Here are a few examples of what we at the AA forums will do if any more racist nazi crap goes on here: flamethrower: fire1: fire2: comegetsome: zooka: quickshot: M16: eatthis: sniping: chop: bigzooka:
i am new to this forum... and thought this was a great way to break in my craft... i respect peoples beliefs and attitudes.. this is america... although i guess my problem lies in the fact that someone would make a statement based solely on ignorance is beyond me... i don't wanna get socio-analytical, but mr. 'white-power' i think ur right about hitler.. and maybe u should follow in his footsteps.. just put the gun in your mouth and swallow a lil pill ... good luck!
I'm surprised that one of his favorite movies is "American History X" because that movie was about forgetting hate and everyone being equal. I thought the movie was a good first watch around, then i never wanted to see it again.....it's boring. Anyways, this kid's a dumbass....theres lots of them all around us and he should just be kicked from the forums. He'll get his hick ass kicked in school by ethnicities that he hates.
Oh by the way, Hitler was a vegetarian and a painter.
WTF!! how is it possible that ppl still think that white peeps are any better then colored peeps.
Believe me, everybody is the same!! actually, menkind started in africa, this means that we all got colored blood in our vains.
mr. white power, you're a low shit thinking person!!