I have aGeforce FX 5600 with 256 mgb's of DDR ram, i installed the new nvidia updates from nvidia.com and i got a video error that disables fog table emulation. When i put on the Mat 14th patch, it's just fine, but when the August patch is on.....theres no fog table emulation, even IF it's enabled. Can anyone help me out?
Thanks that did work out. But i've done that before. Some new games require the latest updates. Isn't there an issued microsoft fix that is a seperate add-on patch?
See thats why Nvidia sucks... they release drivers with bugs on them, and then say... "it is up to the software manufacturers to release a patch"
For the most part, you just have to roll forward and back.... its a pain in the ass, which is exactly why i went to ATI cards. Nvidia has some work to do in their next generation of cards before I even consider going back.
That's exactly what i did, i had fog table emulation and everythning working with those drivers. Thanks, i just hope the next drivers that come out are better....