Server side mod scopes all mg's smg's rifles Breakthrough -
10-18-2003, 11:02 AM
My first mod, I have tried it out on my windows based server. Alters nothing except adding scopes to weapons. Never played Spearhead and don't know it it will work on it also. Server side just add .pk3 to Breakthrough maintt folder.
i heard you can download no recoil mods from [url:47739][/url:47739] (i quite honestly hate cheats but if you are gonna fix a scope to a mg or smg, you might as well have it no recoil).
you can unzip .pk3 files and you could put a scope on a machine gun, but if you dropped the gun (Dm command) you wouldnt see the fixed scope.
do the trial and error look to it and you might have yourself an excellent mod, goodluck
"When a soldier arrives at heaven, to st. peter he will tell:
One more soldier reporting, sir. I've done my time in hell"[/img][/list]
how did you even know where to go? The only cheat i know is force model with the german scientist.But i honestly dont use that becasue nost servers will kick you for that so i dont even try.
I agree it is not everyone else's idea of a scope mod and it could have a scope u would see when you dropped the weapon and took a look at it or when you looked at another player during gameplay . If anyone knows how to do this go ahead and change it and call it yours. The mod only lets u have a scope like a snipers [I put less zoom on it than a snipers - customary] using the same secondary attack button u would use for the snipers scope during gameplay. It is my first mod and I don't really know a hell of alot it seems and I'm sure there are others that found it quite lacking in features but please don't use it to post links to cheat sites or files that was not my intention at all I don't use them I run CI on my server