Soccer and football (American) are too easy. Baseball takes talent
baseball takes talent by having steroid injecting, corked bat using players who hit 500 foot homeruns.
pure talent hake:[/quote:35298]
Wow, you're a fucking moron
I bet you couldn't hit an 86 mph curveball if your life depended on it
Soccer i love it i play for my high school, you got to be in top shape for this sport always running a field the size of a football field or maybe a little bigger, the ball is always moving you have to make split discissions sry but i think soccer is the most highy skilled sport in the world, i love almost any sport but i think soccer takes the most skill.
Soccer and football (American) are too easy. Baseball takes talent
BullSHIT, soccers too easy? if thats the case why dont games go like 30-40 goals like american football and baseball games can go in points? Simple because soccer is much harder to actually score in.
SOCCER > american football>baseball
End of discussion
Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.