What are your favorite multiplayer death match weapons? -
10-20-2003, 02:10 PM
What are your all time favorite multiplayer death match weapons in any game? My favorites are:
1. The red turtle shells in Mario Kart – I love those seeker turtle shells…..nothing quite compares to the feeling of driving over a special power-up shape and realizing that you got the red turtle shells.
2. The disc in TRON 2.0 – ever since I saw the movie I’ve been thinking about how cool it would be to play disc matches with other players. Death match is good but i hear that bvg is upgrading death match soon It’s going to be every bit as fun as I had imagined.
3. The camera guided rocket launchers in 007 Nightfire – no explanation necessary for anyone who’s played multiplayer in this game. There’s no way more fun than this to kill the enemy.
Now list some of yours…….
Location: 69 Offtopic Lane, Forum Road, Internet City.co.uk
10-20-2003, 03:26 PM
I loved the huge rocket launcher in Unreal Tournament, once you fired it right button stylee you could home in on one person or even a group for a multiple frag-me-do .....oo00OOh yea thats a good feelin'
Of course theres always that evilness one gleams with once he's fully hidden with a sniper rifle, I'd personally say MOH's or Project IGI's were the bestest although that funny splatter in half life TFC online is a close fave
I didn't get much of a chance to get really good at it but the Perfect Dark multiplayer was alot of fun, its been a while but I'm sure there was a golden gun or somethin similar which I loved to get a hold of and wait for innocent passers-by
That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest - Henri David Thoreau
I think it was Red Faction ... I d'loaded the mp demo. The rail gun has thermal scope, so you can see people through a wall or two. And kill them. Through the wall. Its funny.