I'm having problems w/ client latency when ever I have more then 8 clients on my server. I have checked bandwith & cpu use when I've had 10 clients. W/ 10 clients I had <30% CPU utilization & <15% bandwitch (bytes sent & recieved). My server is running on dual celeron 563 MHz (OCed) & 10Mb connetion. OS is XP Pro, which I believe the max client connections is 8 for XP. I'm considering rebuilding server w/ W2K, but would like some thoughts 1st.
On my T1 running the Objective maps,24 players with a rate setting about 10000,on the Team DM maps 32 players 9000.
The larger maps like Omaha Beach require more updates for the clients.
Normally UL is about 900-1300kb/sec with those settings.
I am using Windows 2000 server,P4 1.7,512 meg ram and a 3Com server NIC....CPU and ram usage rarely rise above 50% with 32 players on.
You need to set the sv_maxRate variable to something lower than 9000 (which is default), but I don't know that this will fix your problem. On a 10mb connection, 9000 is fine. Perhaps you should set your sv_maxPing to say 200 or so, keep those HPB's off the server ! ;-)
I CAN confirm, however, that XP CAN handle much more than 8 clients. If your server chokes after 8 people, its more likely your UPLOAD cap. I ran a server over a CABLE connection once and I had an 8 person limit, anything higher and it choked.
Just telling you so you don't go reinstalling the OS for no reason.
Good luck.
[This message has been edited by Bull (edited January 28, 2002).]
[This message has been edited by Bull (edited January 28, 2002).]