I know some people out there are running dedicated servers from the command line and rcon. THere is also virtually NO documentation anywhere about how to get it running. I kept playing with cfg files, and some command line parms but can't get the server running right.
Could, and would SOMEONE out there who has set up their server do a short writeup post on how to do it? I have this spare box just sitting on a spare 100mbps line getting no use at all, and would like to make it useful. It sucks when most of the current servers out there are on POS cable connections.
Check out my info in this thread.
No one is looking in the Board Of Developers forum for this info, but I have posted some details that will get you going. Be sure to read all the later posts in this thread as they deal with RCON in the last couple posts. http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/For...ML/001784.html
Good luck.
[This message has been edited by Bull (edited January 28, 2002).]