CUSTOM Rocket Mod question.... -
11-07-2003, 03:19 AM
Hey guys, i was pokin around on the net a while ago and saw a rocket mod that made it to where when a player shoots the rocket, it shoots towards himself and kills himself instead of the person they are aiming at! Very funny i think, but I forgot where i found it. Does anyone know of this OR know what line of code to edit in the TIK's ? So far, i can only get the rocket to shoot backwards, or drop straight down and then explode !!! Not quite the way i want it.....please let me know if anyone of ou guys knows how to do this. Thanks. zooka: hake:
Yeah, i made my MOD to have no rockets too, but i kinda wanted to spice it up a bit with a funny prank on the rocket users! lol. But if you can find it, let me know.....i looked all over on this site and couldnt find it. Thanks for the reply....ill look again.
hey guys....i downloaded the jedi mod but it didnt have the rocket mod that i as lookin for! It shoots like the normal rocket.....doesnt kill the rocket user. BUT....i did use version 1.0.0 which im assuming is the first version. Maybe they have a new verion out that has it?
sorry it was either or...goat mod is fun...but after a while it gets boring ... maybe you can like just open the cfg and find what makes the rocket do that..hehe
I tried that and there isnt exactly a line of code that says "killwhen shootrocket 1" LOL. I can get the rocket to shoot backwards, but not kill the person using the rocket. kinda weird. Anyways, i will try the goat realism. Thanks.
alright guys....i dont know how to do this. The freakin Goat Realism MOD didnt have the suicide rockets was just altered them to be less accurate. ANY OTHER THOUGHTS ??? Im clueless oOo:
Our rockets and Shotguns come with no ammo. So if the person ignores the rules and choose the weapon anyway they have to toss it and use their pistol. Then they always say " wtf ". Of corse what they say after that depends on what kind of person they are. lol.
I know I saw the mod you are looking for. I'll look in the morning for you and post where it is.
Johnj You are truely an artist , -500 is freakin funny! That would be a ball of laughs! If anyone does that I would love to see it. I'll even pick the rocket to play with it. Im still grinning just thinking about it. lol
first off i wanna say.....THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH ZEN MASTER!!! Finally i integrated that MOD into my realism and it works like a charm! LOL. And secondly, the rockets that GIVE health is a GREAT idea!! laughin thinking about it right now too! LOL. I might do that too,..., switch it up from time to time to keep it interesting. Thanks again guys.
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