Thats why i play Obj., where leanbinding asshats barely exist..
Me likes to sneak around in ze rocket facility with me Stg instead..
Or run from house to house on The Hunt, using nuthing but me Mauser..
ur gay, leave b00n[/quote:69214]
that's the best response I've ever seen to anything... ever
[quote="{TRC}ZenMaster":c0e64]I have made lots of adjustments to my game.
I turn the stupid music off , lighten the screne because Spearhead maps are just to dark , texture , ect. , ect.
I did all that in the options on the main screne though , not via console.
I dont think they are cheats , a cheat is something that gives you an unfair advantage over the rest of the people playing. These are things they can do to.
Same with background sound. And if Im not mistaken that can be adjusted in the options as well.[/quote:c0e64]
[quote:6de46]@rkley..... sorry but er... wots a lean bind?[/quote:6de46]
When you bind your lean keys to something other than what they are. I use a Micro soft Intellimouse 3.0a and it has 5 buttons. Normal three plus two on left side (thumb). Using software for mouse I can bind keys to specific applications for the mouse. So I bound left and right lean keys to those two buttons. So to lean now all I have to do is use my thumb instead of trying to reach the Z and C keys.
Re: console command considered cheating? -
11-19-2003, 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by SPECTRE184
Hi all. I recently found out about a console command (I'm not saying what it is) that turns off the background sound in the game. this command affects only your computer and not the server.
Some say it's cheating others have not.
I would like to know from the experts/admins there view.
Actually, I have gone in the Pk3 files and renamed the sound files. The only thing I hear is footsteps and the weapons. Everything else is gone. Its really nice especially on the V2.
Uh-oh..better not tell the CP. I'm such alittle cheater... beer: