This just in...
Game Critics Award nominations | 01:52 AM EST
The Game Critics Award nomination page has finally been updated with this year's nominees. Medal of Honor: Allied Assault has been nominated for three categories:
Best of Show - Metal Gear Solid II (Playstation 2), Nintendo Gamecube, Star Wars Galaxies (PC) and Star Wars Rogue Leader: Squadron 2 (Gamecube) are also on the list.
Best PC Game - Competitors included Max Payne, Neverwinter Nights, Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Star Wars Galaxies.
Best Action Game - Also nominated are Halo (Xbox), Max Payne, Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Star Wars Rogue Leader: Squadron 2 (Gamecube)
The full list of the GCA 2001 nominees is
How many do you think MoH deserves to win? And how many do you think MoH will win?