can someone answer a few quistions i have from mohradiant? -
11-26-2003, 02:35 PM
1.) once a LoD terrain to make it bumpy and then i a make it structual. i cant move or drag brushs anymore.???usualy you just click and hold but that dont work after i LoD and make it stucatal.
2.)how do you make very small skinny brushes?
3.)how do you make a brush with a different texture on the side so i can make somthing with something that looks like rubble or cement on th inside?
4.)how do you add rain or snow?
5.)How do you make the map so you can play on it?
@1: Use Esc to deselect your LOD vertices after manipulating them. If you deselect with V this "lock-up" will happen.
@2: Set your grid to 1 and then you can make brushes as small as 1x1x1.
@3: ctrl + shift + Lclick in 3D view on the face that you want to texture. Only that face will be selected.
@4: Make a brush in the area that you want your rain....give it the textures/common/rain texture, and then right click in 2D view with the brush selected and click func and then rain. In your script: exec global/weather.scr This is a quick explanation.....follow nick17th's link for more info.
@5: You need to compile the map. MBuilder is a useful compile tool....which can be d/l'd from the same link above.......and [url=]HERE[/url:cf54f] is a setup tutorial for it.
o yea and one more thing... i had a good map comming along and a was going to place a dead body but the body took up half the room, when you press S so change the horizontal and vertical lenghths and all that should common walls be .75 or .5??? thx again