The bazooka team is dead. There bodies are lying around somwhere. if you were using cheats they wont come up so make sure u are not cheating or your wasting your time. They are usally in the "basement" of a house
Also the team won't be anywhere untill you kill all the AI on the map.
Of course you could look at [url=]this[/url:dea07]
**Practicing the dark art of turn signal usage since 1976.**
No the bazooka team is not dead...who cares about the guys you meet at the start, let them die, they just get in the way. kill AI gate will open continue through map youll find them
Sorry dude the team is dead, and in the last place you look. This is the first part of the map, before you go through the gate. After you go through the gate you meet up with a tank crew that you have to escort through the second part of the map till you find the Tiger Tank.
**Practicing the dark art of turn signal usage since 1976.**
i remember hating that map. The team is there follow what everyone said. It is true...the snipers suck...they are so accurate it isn't even funny. Ridiculous accually.
Reminds me of the Berlin map in Spearhead...there you have the AI sniping you from 30 miles can't even see them because they are beyond the fog...and they hit you even when you are fact they will hit you sometimes the milisecond you leave cover...LOL AI they are either so dumb they are laughable...or they are SOOO damn good and accurate it make you pull your hair out.