Why don't you go and turn on the subtitles in Advanced menu right now and tell me if you see any German subtitles at the intro of the game.
I don't think so buddy.
The mod makes sure you see ALL the subtitles that were typed for the game by 2015.
If you don't use the mod, you will only be seeing 15% of the subtitles they typed in.
By the way, nice way to go on the useless spam.
American...I like American. Steamboat Willy, toot-toot.
Nooo! Please! I like American! Fancy Shmancy. What a cinch. Go fly a kite. Cat got your tongue? Colored beans! Betty boop, what a dish. Betty Grable, nice gams.
I say can you see? I say can you see? I....I say...
Fuck hitler.
Shut up with that filthy pig latin!