Im not sure whats wrong with it but it stopped working i was listing to music and all the sudden the disc sounded like it jumped and the drive made a loud scratching noise and the drive stopped working any suggestions to what happened? it still hasn't worked for the past week cuss:
Ah so sad... The same thing has happened to me before with an old disc. This is a problem i hear about a lot. More often though, you hear a loud pop, then when you get your cd out, it has a perfectly straight radius cut effectively destoying the cd.
Among the list of fallen cd's from people i know are Soundblaster Drivers, Unreal Tournament, and Need for Speed.
I know this happens with one particualr drive though i only rfemeber what it looks like not the name of it. Move on and buy another drive, it's the only thing you can do.
same thing happened to me but twice in a year. the computer was going through cd drives like water, i was so pissed. it just stopped reading all the cds. finally i got a cd-burner and its held up so far so good.
get a pioneer 16x dvd rom for $30 bucks or so. ive heard those are the best ones out there, and mine hasnt given me trouble at all for years. ive broken a total of 2 drives the exact same way. i keep my tower on the floor and have a swivel chair. i opened my plextor cdrw to take out a disk, but i turned around for some reason and my knee struck the tray and broke it off of its track.