01-30-2002, 06:21 AM
Ok, after an extensive 3 day marathon of tweaking and pulling my hair out, I have found a solution to unexpected poor performance! First, we need to understand that its not the configuration of your machine, it is in fact the fault of the game itself. Running other Quake3 based games flawlessly, especially on "highend" machines, leads to confusion about the really bad performance we have come to love. So, "how do i increase my performance" you ask, I'll be more than happy to tell you. First, my system specs are below, so this WILL work on similar configurations. If your system is different than mine, its hard to tell if it will actually work, but it should. Here are the options that I have singled out that you need to change:
-Anisotropic Filtering: Disable this in your "Display Properties", gives you a +10FPS increase, and ONLY effects distant textures.
-Shadows: From the "Advanced" menu under the "Options" menu turn the "SHADOWS" to "simple" or "none" (this is by far THE most effective technique, especially in single player, trust me, +20-30FPS increase!)
-Texture Detail: Turn this down from "high" to "medium", the game although it uses the Q3 engine, does'nt manage textures efficiently. (this will give you an extra +10-20FPS increase!)
Now, I also believe that the lockups that occur with a sound loop are single player ONLY, and are a result of the newly released multi player patch. My suggestion is to play the single player game WITHOUT the patch, then when you are done, install the MP patch to play online! Keep in mind that every other option can be set to "max" or "highest", and just the options that I have singled out have any effect on performance! System specs:
-AMD Athlon(tm) Processor @ 1GHz
-VIA Tech KT133 System Controller
-384MB Kingston PC/133MHz
-NVIDIA GeForce2 Pro (23.11)
-Creative SB Live! (5.1)
-Microsoft Windows 98SE