The most disappointing game of the year: Enter the Matrix
The sleeper of the game of the year: --?--
The most buggiest game of the year: --?--
The most overrated game of the year: Enter the Matrix
The most underrated game of the year: Ghostmaster
The best/ worst expansion pack of the year: Medal of Honor: Braekthrough (Only one i could think of.. oOo: )
The game "that looked great but wouldn't work on your machine" of the year: Half Life 2 (I know, it aint released yet, but it was set to be released this year, soo...)
The most disappointing game of the year: Enter the Matrix
The sleeper of the game of the year: --?--
The most buggiest game of the year: --?--
The most overrated game of the year: Enter the Matrix
The most underrated game of the year: Ghostmaster
The best/ worst expansion pack of the year: Medal of Honor: Braekthrough (Only one i could think of.. oOo: )
The game "that looked great but wouldn't work on your machine" of the year: Half Life 2 (I know, it aint released yet, but it was set to be released this year, soo...)