Well if it is a public server I would have to say FF off. Simply because you always have someone that is going to TK. If it was a private server you should always have FF on since it makes the game more realistic.
I agree, TK'ers ruin games, but FF should be on for those who play properly.
i dont have the full game yet, is FF available on single player? It would be more realistic...
I can't help about the shape I'm in, I can't sing I ain't pretty and my legs are thin. But don't ask me what I think of you, I might not give the answer that you want me to.
There will always be some Preteen kid that think its fun to kill teammates so i think you should have FriendlyFire = off until there will be some ADMIN MOD program that kicks this kids after 2-3 times orsomething.
There is no way around it, if you put ff on, you are screwed before you begin. There are ALWAYS those childish smacktards who come in and tk. Having it off is so much better for everyone
ON - IF CPR is also on, so there are limited nades.
Also ON only if there is a way to kick the A-Hole Team Killers. I dont mean the idiot who accidentally kills a guy or two. But the vermine who think it is funny to kill everyone.
If you amdminister your public server well and are able to ban or kick people who take too much, you should turn on team damage because it makes people more careful with spamming grenades and spamming shots.
Without question, Friendly Fire is *off* when it is a public server. I have had countless Day of Defeat games ruined from little twits who delight in acting their age, and there is little doubt the same will hold true here.
The best rule of thumb is, if you don't know who will be dropping by your server, do whatever you can to limit the mischief they can cause.
Hopefully some advanced admin tools will soon be released. I played on a DoD server that kicked you automatically if you accumulated five TKs, if your ping dropped below a certain point too many times, and other things. It worked nice, great server. I'd like to see the same on MoH.
Yea, leave it off if it is a public server. Also if it is an objective map, it would be too nuts on that V2 Rocket level all you would do is accidently TK with your own nades'.
Yeah, definitely off...You cannot account for the @$$h013s that want to waste everyone's time by killing their own teammates. But the best place to put it in is inter-squad/clan play where the "elitists" wage their war.