Well, I posted a topic ragrding 56 k multiplayer and I did get a bunch of replies which I should do and what not,
1: join a server with less than 5 players or less
2: join a server with a connection of below 250ms
3:lower down the effect details etc to the lowest of the low
4:disable any other internet programs such as anti virus and instant messenger
5:Cross your finger hoping that you won't get server timeout everytime u join a game
The conclusion:
1: You'll get server timeout message 90% of the time
2: If u do get into the game, you'll see the small little icon in the bottom middle of the screen blinking, which means that your connection is trying REAL hard to get you
BACK into the server
3: If you're really lucky(happens to me only ONCE after more than 20 times of trying)
you're able to play the game with minimal lag,
but after you rip a few rounds of your MP40,
I guess I should stop of how STINK 56K modem is for MOH, oh well, free to join in my sorrow.
Thought I should let my disappointment heard by MOH players
Modem booster and things like that?
Never tried it and I don't think I will,
don't want to screw my modem up just for the sake of playing the multiplayer, not worth it.
99% of everytime I join a game I make it unless the admin disconnects it, I have maybe server timed out every 60 or more time s I play, off too wwiionline to fight the war
Easy for you to say pal,
You need money for those kind of connections,
furthermore I can spend those cash for books, rent and stuff.
I don't think I wasted my cash on the game though, you do need some kind of entertainment to twist your mind off the books once in a while