Just a quick one really, I go on a server which is ocassionally password-protected. I know the password, but how do I apply it? Somebody mentioned you add a forward slash after the IP address you enter...
Is that right because it never seems to work?
I know you can download bits of gamespy software - other than the built in thing, but I run a small design agency and work on Macs rather than PCs so the software support is very limited...
Right click on your MOH icon.
Click at the end of the target box, after the "
Type a space then +set cl_playintro 0 +password AaBbCcDd +connect nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn:12203
Click Apply
This will now start the game without the intro, set your password, and connect you to the server.
Frag on
**Practicing the dark art of turn signal usage since 1976.**
Just try to connect to the server normally, if it says server is full or whatever type password "password" into console hit enter then type reconnect and hit enter, should work.
Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
when the server shows up timed out or password or what ever go in to the consol by pressing ~ then type "password what ever it is" then hit enter then type reconnect. and it will go in.