U're funny, that's what most of us do, move slowly and snipe the sniper, that's also what the in game character tells you, take YOUR time, well good for you that you passed the level by dashing straight toward the exit point, I won't be suprised if you cry for help again when you increase the level of difficulty.
I have a 21 inch monitor with resolution set 1600 by 1200 and it's still a bitch...Have to be continually saving and moving and watching the compass for impact direction. This can be somewhat frustrating when you have multiple hits from different directions. Have to hug the walls and crevices and slowly but surely work your way through town.
You don't have to cheat or use load/save tricks to get through sniper town. The level has 4 autosaves as it is. If you move at a sniper's pace, you won't get hit. I've seen it beaten without dying on the very first try, on hard (not by myself).
This type of "quick save" "quick load" gameplay is for the birds! I am very dissapointed in the direction the developers took this game! More "Qauke" than anything else, its a god damn shame, I wanted to like it...
Well if you don't like Quicksave, once you die or fail, just start the level over then. Not everyone can pass Snipertown on hard the first time they try. I suppose your one who think Project IGI is too easy on hard?
Wonder-Boy, that's exactly how I found the snipers and progressed through the level. I ran like hell at the sound of the sniper's rifle until I could see where the fucker was. Then I got my scope on that general area and slowly worked my way around to get him! He still got a few good shots off at my health, but I finally got em' (both of em').
Old proverb say's, "The only thing that doesn't fail is persistence!"
Just a strategy hint. I beat the level pretty easily. Once I realized what the level was all about, I just sacrificed the first couple of tries in the effort to locate them. Then you just get in the right spots to snipe them. After you get past it, you will realize it was not that bad. It was one of my favorite levels for sure.
To get the cheats back with the 1.1 patch. Press F5 then F9, right after. Then you can use your 1.0 cheats, again. Trade up to a faster Mauser scope... But, getting all the weapons may screw up the bazooka finding script, not sure if you could finish the level.