As we all know that one of the main elements of attack is the element of surprise. And what would be more surprising than a man in makeup? The enemy would be ther going" "Fucking hell, look at these guys, eh, see that, bah, GUNS! they've got guns, jesus where's my gun, *surrenders* ah bugger, i was so surprised, we you surprised? I was surprised."
Headgear - WW2-Era US Army Helmet Uniform - British Redcoat Primary Weapon - Drum-fed Tommy Gun Secondary Weapon - Lightsaber
Here is an Artist's depiction of how I would look (Not for those with Faint Hearts);
I Can Hear Osama shaking from here! the_finger:
[quote="Captain Wilkins":bd3e8]Headgear - WW2-Era US Army Helmet Uniform - British Redcoat Primary Weapon - Drum-fed Tommy Gun Secondary Weapon - Lightsaber
Here is an Artist's depiction of how I would look (Not for those with Faint Hearts);
I Can Hear Osama shaking from here! the_finger:[/quote:bd3e8]
Be one of those new English SUPER SOLDIERS!