Exactly how do you apply this command line correctly? I've changed the target path in the shortcut and renamed the file in the mohaa directory but still get the title screens. What am I doing wrong?
I got that you changed the target path in your shortcut, but why did you rename a file in your MOHAA directory?
You should only add the parameter to your shortcut target.
Ex. of target:
D:MOHAAMOHAA.exe +set cl_playintro 0
No need to rename any game files.
Get the following error when I hit apply after adding that to target comand line:
The name 'C:Program FilesEA GamesMOHAAMOHAA.exe +set cl_playintro 0' specified in the Target box is not valid. Make sure the path name and file name are correct.
But if I change the file name of the MOHAA.exe in the MOHAA dir to MOHAA.exe +set cl_playintro 0' it allows me to apply the target to the shortcut. But when I launch the game I still get the title screens.
+set cl_playintro 0
after your mohaa.exe file. don’t forget the space in between the last e and the + sign.
If your using a shortcut add it there or if your still getting the title screens when say launching gamespy or ASE then add it to the EXE in the main dir of MOH
i was having the same problem but i just figured out that you need to leave the apostrophe after the .exe then have a space and the the +.
ill make it easy, just copy and paste what i have below