my comp fucked up harrrrdcore after i dl'ed the 1.6 one
watch out...
?wow that didnt happen to me. and my computer sucks. it takes 4 minutes to load each map, even wake island and midway! i hate it but i still cant get rid of it. i have no money. i should get me an alien ware comp. but im only 14!
1.6 Patch? There is none on the official BattleField1942 Site by EA...and uh...when I play BF1942 I can go on all servers I connect to and I have 1.5 patch. Maybe this was a leaked patch of some sort?
1.5 is the most recent... 1.6 will hopefully be realeased this week, or this month.... A fake 1.6 was released, but it has several issues that could be harmful, so dont d/l it....