Hey mister I really like your daughter
I'd like to eat her like ice cream,
Maybe dip her in chocolate
Hey mister on your way to work,
In your Volvo, suit and tie
We'll be crawling in your bed sir,
Messing around maybe getting high.
Its not what you did, its not what you didn't
God gave her the perfect body now I'm all up in it
Its not she's a tramp, its not she's not pure
she just likes getting her fuck on and its a good one of that I'm sure
Hey mister I really like your daughter
when I'm horny like thirsty she's a bottle of water
hey mister, how'd it get so bad
you raised her so well now she's calling me dad
in the back seat naked of her new Volkswagon
the perfect little gift for high school graduation
Its not what you did, its not what you didn't
God gave her the perfect body now I'm all up in it
Its not she's a tramp, its not she's not pure
she just likes getting her fuck on and its a good one of that I'm sure
(Rap Part)
I eat all the food in your fridge
Call my friends around the world
Rack up your long distance too
Breakstands neutral drops
Wreck all your cars
Drink all the booze in your cheezy ass wet bar
Order stuff on your credit cards
Leave boogers in the skippy jar
Smoke your cigars
Answer the phone tell your boss you moved to mars
When you call in late from work tell your wife
You're at the titty bars
Its not she's a tramp, its not she's not pure
she just likes getting her fuck on and its a good one of that I'm sure
I hope I never have a daughter
I hope I never have a daughter
I hope I never have a daughter
I hope I never have a daughter
I almost got caught, my gf was on me and we were making out and other **stuff** and my mom tried to open the door but it was locked and she was freakin for me to open the dorr cause the lights were off and my tv was on so my gf layed beside me and I unlocked the door and said we were jus watching tv, SCARED THE SHIT OUTA ME!! lol.
[This message has been edited by sgt.sayian (edited February 03, 2002).]
You know what kicks ass? Showing up at her house while she is in the middle of a bath with no parents home, ahhhhhhh its heaven........so soft, and warm, and wet, and soft, and wet............*Drools*
Just me thinking but girls are actually something great now lol, I was just having before but now it totally changed my mind about my gf now, gotta start care'in more I guess
You know what SUCKS< when your at your GF's and her mom is supposed to be gone at work till 7:30 the next morning, so you think its a good idea to go over there, well it is till about 5:30 in the morning when her mom comes home SICK!!!!!!......its really scary, lol.............
he came over to my house, my mom works night shifts, so we spent from like 11pm to 5am together and my mom spntaneously comes home at 5:30, 2 hours earlier than expected... it was fucked up.. luckily i was able to sneak him out after she fell asleep
Bah, Iv had that happen before, I slept ova @ my gf's house like last week and we were gonna walk to school together, but her DAD came in @ 7.am when were gettin rdy for school. I was like ohhh shit!! cause it was her dad and he would flip, but she just said I came over to walk to schoo wit her and it was all groovy, but once again I must say I was scared outa my mind LOL