Can someone give me a hint on how to make it across Omaha beach single player mode. I am getting chopped up before I can get across the sand. I am totally stuck. It's probably simple, but I can't see the solution right now.
rberg, as others have pointed out, there is no "solution" in the sense that the level is a puzzle. The only thing to "figure out" is to stay behind cover, run, stay behind cover, run, rinse, repeat. That's it. Don't get shot. Just like the real guys who got cut down on D-Day.
I usually slightly right from the boat and hit the first three bits of cover, then scamper almost directly left once I hit the shore until I reach the first medic. From there I bear slightly left, around the mortar strike areas, until I am about halfway up the beach. I then usually go right; the cover is thin, so you have to be fast. You can hit the shingle with okay health that way and get to the second medic.
I managed to get to the shingle and up to the wall. Where in the heck am I supposed to go when the commander tells me to go into the trench. I get into the first crater. Now what? All I do is die. I shoot the guys in the bunkers on the top of the hill, but they don't die. If I attempt to go to the next crater, I die. The farthest I have gotten is the 2nd deep crater which is at the base of the wall. Any tips? Thanks.
When you get out of the boat, hide behind anything you can in the water till you can duck farther up without it saying "cant duck under water", then refer to the last post.
What i think that RJHNY1 is talking about, is that part when your commanding officer tells u to get to the trench, with the craters and such. In this part, i dont know if u noticed, there r mines everywhere. Thats y u keep blowing yourself up. The mines r always in those spots that r brown compared to the rest of the ground. So just run on the green ground and not on the ground with bit brown spots. The brown spots on the ground r the mines, so just avoid them.
Yeah make sure you quicksave after the Capt tells you to run. Grab the sniper rifle in the first crater, take out the two MG42 positions and then run like hell in between the 2 stick row thingys. When you get real close veer to the left behind the wire and dive into the trenches.
The landmines here are killers and thats the only safe route ive found.
You should locate a medic on the beach who can bring you back to 100%. That should give you the strength needed to get across. Also, take cover with those metal structures as you go. Good luck.
After that commanding officer tells u to go, move into the first hole, get sniper rifle, what i did then was to just run to the trench, avoiding the mines on the brown floor, so just run on the green ground and avoid the brown ground, which contain mines.