Okay here is what i use as a blood mod for complete realism. U have to use the SPR Puff mod, which makes smoke when u hit someone. PLUS, u have to have a blood mod. Net effect: a gunshot results in grey normal smoke, like in SPR (not red smoke :P) AND a blood platter on ground, plus a blood squirt emitted from the victim when he is shot. Using the two mods is the only way to go!!!!
This is "con Brio [CAN]" in RTCW MP.
I've been doin that since the puff came out! I thought everyone was using both. Hmm. I would like to find one that doesn't show so much blood on the ground or maybe none on the ground.
This is the version i use: MOHAA_BloodPatch. Remember, you use this patch PLUS the SPRbodyhitpuff mod. Now go get em!
Medal Of Honour - More Blood Patch [UK/US]
All Versions
An little Update for more Blood in Medal of Honour
This Patch is sponsored by SEKoner.de
Only copy the pak6.pk3 into the "Main" Directory.
This is "con Brio [CAN]" in RTCW MP.
Con Brio, do you think you can post a link to all the mods that we need? I haven't installed any mods and I'm confused as to which mod I need to put in. Thanks.
the blood mod i am using completely replaces the original Pak6.pk3. as a result, i also can use the SPRbodyhitpuff mod. i'm still trying to find where i got this blood mod from...
This is "con Brio [CAN]" in RTCW MP.
Yea yea, that's what I did. I used one to replace the Pak6.pk3 and then added the puff mod.
This is all the info I got on it:
A little Update for more Blood in Medal of Honor.
This Patch is sponsored by SEKoner.de
I cannot remeber where I got it. I'll do a little serchin for it.
It does have a dark red and no real big overdone splatter. Just right!
Got the one from godjoey's site.
Got Ceskins Blood and Guts Mod v1.1
BY MANGE (which is what I've been using -mangebloodmed.pk3)
Musicman, I winzipped the blood mod into the main folder and it's not working. I'm on Omaha and I don't see any blood when the allied soldiers are getting killed. I have the 1.10 patch and your blood mod. What do I do?
Also, in the Omaha level, since installing the patch/blood mod, the boats where the soldiers get to the beach in are floating in the air after the soldiers have landed. They are flying in the air toward the bunkers. How do I fix this? Someone please help!