Ok, lets get a few things straight here. Saying the word "nigger" isn't the worst thing you could say.....it's how you say it. You wanna call your black friend nigger, thats cool. You call some black guy walking in the mall a nigger because he's black, is wrong. It's like calling a german dude a nazi just because he's german.
Oh, and another thing, why does gtboy want us to know he's black? Does he feel special? Does he want to see reactions? (Arkans best attempt at sounding like a white nerd - "OMG, i didn't know he was a negro! I didn't think negros were allowed on the site") The answer to all of this is.....we don't give a fuck. I could care less if you were malcom x, rodney king or the pope. Go about your business gtboy because we don't give a rats ass about the "color" of your skin.
Yeah, Arkan wears sunglasses.....even in the rain!