well, if u really want to know:
RTCW has better graphics, and i think most people can attest to that. rtcw is also faster paced with BJ runnin blazingly fast and jumpin super fast, and being able to fight through hoards of nazis with no sqaud assistance like in MOHAA.
MOHAA: it has D-DAY! million points for mohaa right there. mohaa also feels like a REAL fire fight, i mean it is hard. U win by strategy and skill, not like in rtcw where u have nazis who can't go prone. face it, mohaa is admittedly one of, if not, the best ww2 games out there. I just saw Black Hawk Down, and god, the sniper infested town level in mohaa makes me feel like a genuine Ranger. Sure there's no blood in mohaa, but heavens sake, look at all the mods out there. (Find my thread in gen disc: THE BEST BLOOD MOD FOR REAL)
if i want X-files gameplay, i play rtcw. if i want to be all i can be, i play MOHAA.
con Brio