in the article the excuse isent that good "He said there were no ground troops in the area and if the Apache pilots had let the three Iraqis go, the men might have gone on to kill American troops." I could go kill my nebiro right now. does that mean he can come over & kill me?
I cant download the clip but if its the same version shown on tv here, you can clearly see a guy run
past that tractor and hide a long tube in one of the ploughed furrows....what do we think that was,
a fucking trombone? sounds like some of you guys would rather have seen these iraqis let go to fire
the thing at US troops...WTF!? eek: , why was that other thread locked BTW?
Well, that excuse is like Minority Report. How can you accuse someone of Murder if they haven't done it yet. Now this is a little different situation. This is a war, so I guess any armed Iraqi's are up for grabs.
What would you guys say if those three men were capable of killing 100 coalition toops? And the possibility to down 2 or more aircraft if they had not been killed. Would it be differnt? What if it were canadians in the apache instead?
Eight i love you because you see through the bullshit biggrin:
were they armed?
In the other vid I thought I saw two hand with no gun between them on a couple of guys.
And what's up with murdering a wounded, combat ineffective man? We kill active enemy combatants, gunning down wounded was practiced by the nazis, imperial Japs, and chi-coms, all of whom I consider war criminals.
Shooting a wounded man was not only uncalled for, but it sure as hell was a waste of money too, you know how much 50 30mm DU rounds cost?
I don't think it matters who is in the helicoptor, watching people die isn't cool.
I agree, and that should have definatly not been video taped. But you guys act like those men were saints, their job was to kill up and ours was to get them.
i think that stuff is awsome, and i would like to see more videos
sure its not cool to see them die but just the technology that they use to do this stuff is mind blowing.