The one I'm most excited about is Soldier of Fouturne 2. Unfortunatly it got pushed back till this summer. Oh well. Like I always say, it's better to have a great game later then a half assed game now.
Location: Canada! Home of fast beer and bubbly women... Wait, i think i mixed that up
02-05-2002, 02:52 AM
Unless the only reason they pushed it back is because the publishers are a bunch of pricks, and the game will be released half assed with all the features you waited a year for left OUT of the game and you feeling like you've been cheated because the game is a FUCKING RIP OFF and you DON'T EVEN GET TO PLAY REMAGEN!!!!!!
Sloidusey is my techie bear! Nuff said!
Be afraid. Be VERY afraid. We ARE coming.