<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jonesy-the-cat:
Hey, Siggi. I see you're still in the revenge business 
I have HalfLife, but I hate it. It is like Quake 2 graphics which gives me motion sickness. If DoD uses same engine, I can't play it. Otherwise, sounds cool.
I think the problems with MoH connections is the lack of good servers. But I could be wrong.
Try this: set it for LAN, even if you have dsl or cable. It improved my connection a little, like from 50 to 30.
Also, to all you posters: don't worry about abusive posters. They feel they have to insult you if you ask a question. They are all over this forum. So get used to 'em and don't let them bother you. So many threads turn into flame wars it's ridiculous.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I hope you weren't referring to me as an abusive poster. I'm just tired of the MOH:AA bashing.. the good in the game far outweights the bad, imo.
I've come to the opposite conclusion of tweaking:
[This message has been edited by quietstuckinlimbo (edited February 09, 2002).]