We just had a fight on the bus about 5 mintues ago it was pretty serious it was with a white guy and a black girl and a black guy, he jumps out the emergency exit when the bus was stoped and starts beating up the black girl and boy, when the white guy wasnt looking the black girl got this rock like the size of 2 hands and like hits him on his head, his skull was like crushed in and was bleeding really really bad and he was still walking i couldnt belive my eyes i cant wait to see what they say on the news tonight about it cause the girl is 17 and she is probably going to jail for it. (Just like to say the white guy didnt start it the black girl hits him on the back of the bus)
Makes me glad i live in the suburbs where none of those fucking skinnies live. Theyre all animals anyways.
Here in the burbs nothing really ever starts because were not animals, like they are in the city. Fucking people get stabbed and throats slit almost every year.
Once you get you ass kicked you know not to run your mouth.
[quote:f7e03]funny how this violence seems to only happens in the States. I have never heard of a gang" beat up in Elementary school before.
because in the states fags like you get there ass kicked simple as that.
Ya, maybe it would be alright if the guys getting beatin only had bruses and some nonserious cuts then ya sure that would be fine but when the kid getting beat had to go to te hospital I dont care what time period it is its a big problem.