I am on the single player level where you enter a village filled with snipers. . . I am getting trashed right and left because I can't see them in my scope. Does the scope have a zoom option? Can anyone help out?
thanks again.
When I right click I get the scope option. I was looking for something that would help me zoom the scope on the snipers. I can't find a key option for the zoom mode
Also, there is a sniper on the roof, when I turn the first corner in the village, but I can't see him because there is a tree in the way. . . If I could zoom I could see him.
I had the same problem. I eventually made it through. I simply saved the game after I took out each sniper and ducked for cover. That way I was able to start exactly where I last left off.
rberg: There is no way that you can 'zoom' with the scope! What you see when you press the right mouse button is what you get! BUT a zooming scope would be an awesome idea for a MOD!!
Close isn't good enough unless you throw a grenade!
Their are four buildings that have upstairs bedrooms. Every time I've restarted the game, The "dead" bazooka team, with their bazooka lying at their side, is in a different building. It appears that it changes every time your restart the game. As far as the snipers go, you have to go extremely slow, watch the impact hits on our compass to gauge rough location and listen and watch your AI partners. Half of the time, they're pointing to where he is saying "Their he is". Most of the time, they're on the roofs, in windows and along building debris. And they duck..move around...As far as the scope goes, I don't know if you've read about the FOV (field of view) changes you can make in the console. If your not against changing the game flow dynamics to your advantage, i.e. cheating..access your console, hit "~" and type in fov 50. You'll notice it's like having a set of binocular grafted to your eyes. This is full screen, not binocular tunnel vision. The binocular vision itself is around fov 20. If you type in fov 20, your still have the crosshair shown on your screen with a distorted gun barrel. Lowering the fov lower really increases the magnification but you seen to lose the aiming crosshair...you can go down to fov 1 for max magnification. If you again want to access FOV plus other features, you have to add certain additional lines to your target window (right-click on your MOHAA icon, select properties and you'll see the target window that says "c/program file/EA games/..". I personely have "C:Program FilesEA GAMESMOHAAMOHAA.exe" +set cl_playintro 0 +set ui_skip_eamovie 1 +set ui_skip_titlescreen 1 +set ui_skip_legalscreen 1 +set developer 1 +set ui_console 1 +set thereisnomonkey 1 +set cheats 1....You probably also heard about other console commands as cg_acidtrip 1, cg_3rd_person 1 and others.....
zooming your sniper scope? That's only in RTCW. RTCW also has another cool feature - scope sway - the scope sways unless you stand or crouch and stay still and then it starts to sway less and less.
As for me - i haven't gotten to snipes town yet but i'm playing on hardest difficulty with no cheats (can't get em to work in 1.1) and don't look forward to it.
Sniper town pissed me off. I thought it would be fun. Nope. You don't have a chance to play it as it was supposedly intended. After the first couple of snipers, I could never spot one before I was sniped. As soon as they are in your line of sight, they see you, even if you don't see them. They could even shoot me several times and I had no idea where it was coming from, even with the red flash on the compass. I just couldn't see the darn enemies. They could be behind foliage, etc. So annoying. My tank team had to take most of them out for me. And I was supposed to be the one protecting THEM! Poorly done level. Don't even try to tell me you saw them first. You just had to stay alive while your team did the killing.
This level was supposed to simulate realism...(everybody pissing and moaning about that)..well..if you were a grunt soldier..you wouldn't be pissed off.....you'd be dead..Yes, the snipers are hard to see..that what quicksave is about.....After several times of running through this level, your sensitized to where they're located...
So it's about playing it over and over until you know all the enemy locations. Hmm. I thought it was supposed to be about using real sniper-like skills.
One on One, you are never ever going to beat the AI in this game....several weeks ago, I saw a post displaying why the deck is stacked against us home sapiens...(cutting and pasting direct)
if you want to make the veiw distance shorter for the axis then just go inot the console and type in g_ai_notifyraduis. normal is 1024. if you lower it <500 they are like your guys.
If this is true what this guy is saying...the AI has an distinct advantage when you get out in the open and your within the target cone of multiple snipers....I've tried modifying the above command to make them far-sighted but it didn't appear to work....and type in the "cg_acidtrip 1". This adds even more atmosphere because of the intermittant multicolored flashes....
Sniper Town also pissed me off. i thnk it is scripted that they will hit you one way or another. The best way to do it is simple get the first shot. Another way of finding a sniper is looking for the muzzle flash. If you zoom in with your scope and see a flash in any direction you have found a sniper. this was a great mission and requires a lot of time