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Crow King is Offline
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Default 02-09-2002, 07:58 AM

I've been asked by quite a few of the admins running dedicated servers what exactly (if any) is the difference between CPR and CKR. Rather than e-mail one at a time, here are the skinnies.

First and foremost, I don't think either mod is "better" than the other, any more than either is better than the game as it shipped. Each appeals to a different kind of playing style. There are times when you may want one style of game and times when you may want another. You have a few choices now....

In general terms, CPR changes the game so that it is more realistic, but not so much as to unbalance the game. CKR makes additional changes and doesn't give a hoot if it unbalances the game. Now that it has been out a while, it is clear that balance is not an issue. Personally, I think the balance with either mod is better than the original.

In specific terms, here are the differences. CPR and CKR are the same, except for:

Killing Power: CPR raises the killing power of all the firearms. CKR ups this level a tad and makes those arms that fire similar rounds have similar killing power. Also, all arms are sufficiently powerful enough in CKR that they can kill you quick. Finally, the shotgun is modded to shoot the right ammo (12 pellets vs 20).

Movement: In CKR, only heavy weapons (rockets, MGs) slow you down. SMGS, rifles, etc., do not impair your speed.

Accuracy: In CKR, the german sniper is a bit more accurate than the springfield. The springfield was a great rifle, but in the real world, the germans had a bit of an accuracy advantage. The next release of CKR will also modify accuracy on many of the other weapons.

Reload Times: CPR did not modify reload times. In CKR, any firearm with an internal clip (sniper rifles, shotgun) reloads more slowly than in the original game. Also, the rockets of WWII had safety mechanisms in them that required time during reload (and they were deployed in teams). CKR has a mcuh longer rocket reload time.

Sniper Rifles: In CKR, the bolt throw of the 98k sniper is the same as the 98k. Also, the Allied 03 has had it's magnification reduced to 2.5x. A true realism mod would have the scope very blurry (the Weaver M37B1 sucked).

Ammo: In CKR, each soldier starts off with a realistic amount of ammo. You only have 3 clips for your pistol. I've played on a couple of servers running the mod where this has been an important issue in deciding the match. Learn how to pick up weapons in MP!

Projectiles: In CKR, grenades can be thrown a little bit further (hold down the throw button a little longer for more distance). Also, rockets are much faster. The shield on the panzerfaust is there for a reason (the propellant continued to burn for some time out of the tube), so that projectile makes a bit more smoke than the bazooka shell.

Dedicated Server Support: I've included some guidelines / comments for server admins for using the mod. As I get more comments from admins, I'll continue to add this information to new releases.

There are some minor clean up issues (fixed some of the AI variable problems, gave the schrek shell it's own DM file, added comments to my changes, etc.). That's about it. Any questions, please let me know (


"If your philosophy does not produce corn, I don't want to hear about it." - Red Bear
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]BwS[Kibbles is Offline
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Default 02-09-2002, 09:22 AM

I like it and that is all that matters?
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capa is Offline
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Default 02-10-2002, 04:03 AM to the game...are they for MP or SP or both?

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Bits is Offline
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Default 02-10-2002, 08:51 AM

And, just to muddy the waters a bit more...

When my BWM mod finally gets posted (presumably when badscript gets his upload thingie worked out) there'll be yet another "realism" mod out there. Not necessarily "better" than CPR or CKR, but again, different:

Killing Power: Generally on par with CPR, not as high as CKR. WarWolf and I spent a good amount of time shooting at each other from various ranges to get the feeling right. One-shot kills are possible, but will happen in "more appealing" circumstances (9mm to the back of the head, for instance).

Movement: Adjusted on a per-weapon basis. Not as slow as CPR, not as fast as CKR.

Accuracy: Adjusted on a per-weapon basis. MUCH more accurate than default/CPR, maybe on par with CKR, but with the added nuisance of recoil. This is most noticeable with the Thompson -- which is fairly accurate, but if not controlled you can empty a clip at somebody and not hit them.

Reload Times: Slightly quicker than default/CPR, slower than CKR. Kar98 cycles faster than the Zf43 (sniper) which cycles the same speed as the 03A3. The rationale behind this is a concession to playability and how these weapons were used "in practice" (snipers were generally far less concerned with volume of fire than accuracy).

Other Changes:

<UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI> Rockets are disabled (ammo set to zero by server). A new MP weapon menu (with the bazooka / schrek missing) is provided, but has to be installed client-side.

<LI> You get four grenades, and there's a three second lag between throws (to discourage grenade spamming and encourage teamplay).

<LI> All weapon changes (except disabling the rockets and the additional grenade throw delay) are reflected in the single-player settings. I hate it when I can drop somebody in MP with two rounds from a 1911, but in SP the 1911 is damn-near useless.

<LI> The rifles (M1 and Kar98) get a slight (1.5-2x) zoom. Not enough to snipe with, just enough to overcome pixelation at "normal" engagement ranges.[/list]
I wasn't trying to make the be-all, end-all of "realism" mods -- anyone who's ever competed in high-power rifle, IPSC/IDPA, or played paintball can tell you that there is just too much going on in Real Life (tm) that you'll never be able to translate it to a computer interface. I've tried to strike a balance between realism (lethality, visual acuity, and movement) and gameplay (tactics, teamplay and fun factor).

This mod has been running on WarWolf's server (WarWorld) for about a week now, and the only major complaints have been the runspeeds (since adjusted upwards) and the recoil on the sniper rifles (heh, heh).

I'm assuming that badscript will have it posted within the next day or two... if not, or if you just have to have it right now, drop me an email at

Incoming rounds have right of way.
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capa is Offline
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Default 02-10-2002, 08:55 AM

Are these realism mods only for MP or can SP take advantage as well??

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Bits is Offline
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Default 02-11-2002, 09:24 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by capa: to the game...are they for MP or SP or both?


Mine's for both.

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[DDT]ServerAdmin is Offline
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Default 02-12-2002, 01:47 AM

ok..don't get me wrong but the rockets...
is everyone really that bad..
seriously, how often do u get killed by
rockets, its only lamers and newbies who
uses them.

Get rid of the shitgun instead.
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Default 02-12-2002, 01:57 AM

i get killed by rockets all the time. mostly in close quarters when i have a SMG and don't have enough time to kill them before they fire their rocket at point blank range in my face. when there is a team of 16 people and 10 of them have rockets, it gets boring, and stupid. thankfully though they blow themselves up a lot because they are so trigger happy and fire at team mates half the time.

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Slanger_us is Offline
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Default 02-12-2002, 02:28 AM

Realism mod rocks!!!


-Waffen SS-
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Default 02-12-2002, 02:37 AM

agreed. i LOVE stg44 in it. if im an ally, there are plenty of krauts using em, and when they're dead, they don't mind me borrowing it. i wasn't too good with it in unmodded but now i'm actually kind of good with it.
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MrBoo is Offline
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Default 02-12-2002, 02:48 AM

That's because the STG44 is pretty sick and unbalanced when you put in the realism mod. It has a ridiculously high rate of fire, is accurate at long range in single shot mode, has a 30 rd clip, and a powerful cartridge all of which combine to make an uber weapon when you have realistic bullet damage. One of the mods also doesn't slow you down when you carry it, I'm not sure which one, but you can tell the difference when you drop your BAR and pick up the STG, you move a lot quicker. If the Wermacht had been issued these like they're used in MOHAA MP they might have won the damn war.

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Crow King is Offline
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Default 02-12-2002, 03:28 AM

I think the MP44 / StG44 actually brings a little balance to the game, to offset the Garand (vs the bolt action K98). The mod that allows you to run a little faster with the 44 is CKR, the reason being is that it is a different arm than the BAR. When the movement speeds were adjusted, it wasn't only for the weight of the gun, but also it's "speed".

By that I mean the relative amount of time it takes to put the gun on target, manuever in close quarters, etc. This is not a concept from computer games, but from the real world. There is usually a trade off that occurs with speed vs accuracy. The less speed, the more accurate (as in a rifle). The more speed, the less accurate (as in a pistol). In this sense, an assault rifle is "faster" than a battle rifle. Since there's no way to adjust for this with the game's settings, it comes out in movement speed.


"If your philosophy does not produce corn, I don't want to hear about it." - Red Bear
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Bits is Offline
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Default 02-12-2002, 04:11 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrBoo:
I agree with you, in reality it is a superb weapon for it's time, but I'm saying it's unbalanced for gameplaying purposes. It would be like playing a WWII flight sim with all the Germans flying Messerschmit 262s, it would not be very fun for the allies!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Been there, done that (starting with AW a long, long time ago -- tail #6302 ).

Most (all?) of the online air combat sims usually disable the Me262 except for special events or some such, their reasoning being that it unbalanced the game. I always thought that argument was bullshit as it's damned hard to fly, and the ballistics and ROF on the Mk108s are such crap that they're almost useless for fighter-vs-fighter combat. That being said, if you knew how to fly it, you were unstoppable -- but you can say the same thing about the Bf109K (my weapon of choice) and Fw190D-9 / Ta152. On the flip side, if you didn't know how to fly it and, assuming you even got it off the ground, you were dead meat for any P-51, Spit MkXIV, or Ki84 that happened along.
The StG44 is the first true "assault weapon" and it was VERY effective in Real Life (tm). In my BWM mod it is also very effective, but it's a medium-range weapon -- shotgun will kill you quicker close-in, rifle will kill you quicker further out. I toyed with the idea of giving it the same zoom I gave the Kar98 and M1, but decided against it for two reasons: I wanted to keep engagement ranges closer in (ie not encourage its use as a battlefield rifle), and I didn't want to be accused of playing favorites (because it is my favorite).

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retrac2w is Offline
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Default 02-12-2002, 04:32 AM

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jonesy-the-cat is Offline
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Default 02-12-2002, 05:35 AM

If I'm not mistaken, and I just saw it on the History Channel, the German light machine gun (STG44) was really the first assault rifle. It really was that good. In fact, STG stands for Sturm Gewehr, meaning basically 'assault rifle.' It weighed only 1 pound more than the MP40, but used bigger cartridges, and much faster rate of fire. One reason why so many Allies died per German killed. Once they developed it, the Germans DID want to get them to all the soldiers, but just couldn't produce them fast enough to do so before the war was over. MP = machine pistol, uses pistol rounds. Both were very light weight, lighter than the Thompson I think (MP40 7 lbs, STG44 8 lbs, Thompson 10 lbs). They were envied by the Allies.
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