Althogh the Geneva Convention states that medics are not alowd to carry weapons, almost all medics carried a .45 or an M1 Carbine which is missing from the game.
I saw a reportage on ARTE about a medic which got the Medal of Honor in the Vietnam war. His company have been attack in a village and many US soldiers were injured or killed and the medic had a M16, killed 5 viet-congs and helped 4 of his camarades and for this, he got it (the MOH) but he had a weapon.
Does anyone remember if the medic in Band of Brother (Eugene Roe i think) had a weapon in the serie?
"And I will show you...where the Iron Crosses grow."
Oberfeldwebel Steiner - Cross of Iron
Well..... The thing with medics not having any weapons is a state of choice. Unarmed medics were never killed on purpose. It was ethical. An armed medic either with a colt .45 or M1 Garand was literally fair game, but having a weapon with their packs only hampered their performance and movement speed.
medics in real life do carry guns they carry 9mm handguns and they are qualified and some do carry m4's just depends on the mission they are involved in in training they carry 9mm mostly unless they are on the ATLAS team which is the advanced trama life forget the rest of what it means but then they will also carry a m4 but they always have a weapon the only member of the military who does not carry a weapon at anytime or even need to be qualified with a weapon is the Chaplin they has chaplin assitants that protect them so they are not allowed to even carry a weapon unless extreme situations arise my old chaplin was a member of the Special Forces and when he want thru SF training he didnt even carry a weapon yet he had to do everything they did survial wise just a lil info for all u confused
Why is Jesus the almighty father? Was I forgotten? The son of Christ!
i just wondering, in war do you have time to think... i cant shoot him, he's a medic,?
or would the opposition even care? i mean killin a medic is a round-about way to insure you get a couple of extra kills!
thus if we are at war, i think i would have to hate(and there for kill) you because your tryin to help someone else kill me or a friend of mine!!?!
Excuse me, but in our past history, how many of the wars have actualy complied with the geneva contracts? War is sopposed to be a gentlmens game belive it or not, but take WW2, medic or not medic anyone and everyone was shot and killed, rules broken left right and centre.
Und wenn du dich auf den Kopf stellst!
My grandfather served with the US Navy in the Pacific Theater. He was wounded in the Battle of Guadalcanal while serving as a Pharmacist Mate with the 1st Marine Division. Under heavy fire, two of his medic crew ran ahead to a fox-hole while he assisted those giving covering fire. When it was his turn to move, he ran towards the fox-hole, his brothers-in-arms waving for him. Just as he reached the hole, a shell landed within, killing both medics inside and throwing my Grandfather against a tree. He woke up in traction.
By his accounts, he and his fellow medics carried small sidearms after fortifying positions(like Henderson Airfield at Guadalcanal), but they commonly went without arms during the rather uneventful beach landing and first trecks into the jungle.
The japanese airstrikes were random and from such a high altitude that no person, no matter what class, was safe. So, to those medics in combat, all bets were off.
The Geeneva convention had a lot of absurd rules that were ignored during the heat of battle. For example, if a medic were to come across a wounded enemy soldier, they were obligated to give them aid.
In reality, the only aid given, was a single shot to the back of the skull.
have u ever noticed that medics almost never have guns???????????? in d-day neither medic has guns..... well maybe the one at the shingle does but i didin't pay much attention, then the medic in the secret level.... mission 4 level 0......... the medic is limping and has no gun........ and then in the sniper town level thingy the medic yet again has no gun..... its a conspiracy............... what do you think?
hey don't point that at me hey hey what u doin? AIGH TEAM KILLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!