Originally Posted by maple
WHITE and green
any one in a school when being white is a minority?
I currently go to chamberlain high school (our school is way ghetto compared to all these rich catholic schools you guys are going to) check out our shitty website that I didn't know existed till I did a search
and to answer mapples question, whites are the largest racial group at the school...but if you combined the number of minorities (blacks, hispanics, like 10 asian kids, 3 muslim kids, maybe 6 jews) and put them together there are more non-whites at my school then there are whites, but just barley. The school is pretty much segregated though, all the honors and ap level classes are pretty much white only.
I've been accepted to 2 colleges and most likley will be attending the citadel
http://www.citadel.edu but maybe north georgia military
http://www.ngcsu.edu they offered me a 4 year rotc scholarship and im going up to attend their national leadership challenge thing in 2 weeks to check them out.