Originally Posted by Eames
Originally Posted by Vance
YOu can't compare those two movies. They're totally different
um yes you can...saving private ryan all the way...quit tryin to be politicly correct and say schindlers list. It's obvious pyro has an anti-american agenda.
Where do you get that everything is about being anti-american? Who says I didn't like watching SPR? I do not believe it is even remotly close to being the best war movie of all time though.
Why is it always being politically correct or something. Am I not allowed to have an opinion about two movies of which I think is better? I don't even know what you mean by saying that anyone who says Schindler's List is just doing it to be politcally correct. You're trying to make your choice for us. I asked with is better, you're making it seem like it's wrong to choose differently.
You really have issues.