02-10-2002, 07:02 AM
the answer: play in windowed mode.
a little background.
i have a t-bird 900mhz cpu, 369mb ram, and a brand new 64mb GF3 (slightly overclocked). i play in:
800x600 res
16bit color
16bit textures
low curve detail
low effects detail
low terrain detail
no shadows
medium model detail
static decals off
real dynamic lighting off
full entity lighting off
volumetric smoke off
i get 60 FPS when alone, strolling along enjoying the scenery. however, everytime i enter a firefight and/or shoot my gun, they drop considerable. the lowest i've gotten was 12FPS, and the average in a one-on-one shootout is 20FPS. naturally, this makes things difficult (and is very, very, very ridiculous considering my computer's specs).
so i was playing a game on ramagen when, on accident, i hit alt+enter (toggles windowed mode). curious, i played for a minute. to my surprise, my FPS never dropped below 30. my ping never jumped, and there was no typical hiccups when in firefights. it even looked better than full screen mode, with jaggies less noticable and the entirely annoying minor-texture-tearing gone.
something definetely isn't right with MoH. it runs smooth as silk for some with lesser machines, and crappy as hell for others.
odd, to say the least.